HELLO, my name is Mateus Rocha
- Lives in Barueri, São Paulo, Brazil
- Speaks Portuguese and English
- Holds events in Brazil, United Arab Emirates, Portugal, Angola, Qatar and Saudi Arabia
- Years as a Facilitator: 6
- Number of events held: 113
Past Attendee Ratings
Last 12 months: 9.7 / 10.0 (Based on 20 evaluations)
Last 12 months: 9.5 / 10.0 (Based on 2 evaluations)
Past Attendee Feedback
Short Bio
Mateus Rocha
Head de portfólio estratégico e Agilidade organizacional no grupo UOL.
Mestre em engenharia de Software (IPT).
Professor de pós graduação em agilidade e sistemas complexos (PUC).
Course Leader no curso de Digital Disruption (Cambridge University).
Treinou +3000 pessoas em gestão moderna, Facilitou +100 processos colaborativos. É responsável pela tradução de materiais de management 3.0 no Brasil desde 2018.
Liderou a tradução para português do livro Managing for Happiness, primeiro livro focado em Management 3.0 totalmente em português (Liderando para a felicidade).
Possuo uma jornada profissional de +15 anos de experiência em gestão de pessoas, passando por treinamentos em agilidade, governança de portfólio e definição de estratégias inovadoras em grandes empresas.
Mateus has contributed to the Management 3.0 Blog
Bridging the Gap: Introducing Management 3.0 to C-Level Executives
In the realm of Management 3.0, we often discuss ways to make work more enjoyable, empower our teams, and foster a positive workplace culture. But have you ever wondered if these principles can be applied at the highest levels of an organization – the C-level executives? Is it feasible to discuss Management 3.0 practices with the company's top decision-makers, and if so, how can you approach this?
Read moreJob Interview & Hiring: How to carry out a consistent and collaborative selection process with the STAR technique
Mateus Rocha regularly uses the STAR interview technique throughout the hiring process - together with his team. In this article he explains his approach.
Read moreBecoming a Change Agent & Being a Change Manager: What does it mean?
What does it mean to be a Change Manager? How do you become a Change Agent, and what does this role imply? Most common questions answered in one go.
Read moreCreating Fabulous Management 3.0 Workshops for Visually Impaired People
In July 2019, a Management 3.0 workshop was held for visually impaired people so that they can pursue any career path, including management. Read about it here:
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