Management Workshops & Leadership Training

Hands-on leadership workshops and training, which focus on tangible practices to help managers, team leaders, middle management and C-level executives increase employee engagement and foster transformational change within their organizations.

What will you take away from a Management 3.0 Workshop?

By attending Management 3.0 workshops, you’ll gain valuable takeaways that go beyond theoretical concepts. You’ll acquire hands-on tools, be inspired by fresh perspectives, expand your knowledge base, and have the practical skills to make an immediate impact in your role as a modern manager and leader.

Find upcoming workshops

Certified Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop Attendee
Certified Management 3.0 Agile in HR Workshop Attendee
Certified Management 3.0 Agile Change Leadership Workshop Attendee
Certified Management 3.0 Agile Co-Creation Leadership Workshop Attendee
Certified Management 3.0 Agile People Leadership Workshop Attendee
Certified Management 3.0 Agile Team Leadership Workshop Attendee
Hands-On Tools and Practices
Each Management 3.0 workshop is designed to provide you with tangible tools and practices that you can readily implement. Whether it’s performance management techniques, collaboration frameworks, delegation methods, or change management strategies, depending on the workshop you’ll acquire a toolkit of practical resources to enhance your leadership capabilities.
Start using your Skills the Very Next Day
One of the core benefits of the Management 3.0 courses is their focus on practicality. You’ll learn skills and techniques that you can start using right away. Whether it’s improving team collaboration, fostering employee empowerment, or navigating organizational change, you’ll be equipped to put your newfound knowledge into action from the very next day.
Inspiration and Motivation
Through interactive sessions, group activities, and real-life examples, you’ll gain a fresh perspective on management practices and explore innovative approaches to leading teams and organizations. You’ll leave the workshop feeling motivated and empowered to make a positive impact.
New Perspectives and Knowledge
Management 3.0 workshops offer a wealth of knowledge and insights into Agile and modern leadership principles and practices. These new perspectives will challenge conventional management thinking and broaden your horizons.

Management 3.0 Leadership Courses & Workshops

Management 3.0 leadership trainings are a LOT of fun! Every moment – online or in-person – from exercises to games to discussions to coffee breaks is an opportunity to network with your peers and to learn, laugh and improve your approach to modern and future-oriented leadership skills and mindset.

Start with

The Foundation Workshop is our main workshop format. This is where you learn all the basics of Management 3.0.

Explore management and leadership in a VUCA world along with principles and six key organizational views, gain practical tools, and delve into performance management, collaboration, empowerment, and change management. Set a strong foundation for your leadership journey and become a better manager and worker.

The popular Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop with additional content and ICAgile accreditation.

In our Agility in HR Workshop by Management 3.0 people who work in or closely with human resources, will learn about the Agile mindset, organizational design, roles, career paths, performance, goals & motivation, promotions, talent acquisition and retention as well as learning and development.

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Management 3.0 Agile Leadership Workshops

Build upon the foundation of your knowledge by delving deeper into the main principles and practices of Agile Leadership. Take your Agile Leadership skills to the next level with our Agile Leadership Workshops. These workshops are designed to help you expand your understanding and skills, building upon the solid groundwork laid by our foundational workshops.

Certified Management 3.0 Agile Change Leadership Workshop Attendee

In a world of constant change and technological innovation, where volatility and response time become a survival factor in organizations, companies are looking for new ways to respond to these changes, including new practices and models. Learn how to thrive in the Agile Change Leadership Workshop.

Certified Management 3.0 Agile Co-Creation Leadership Workshop Attendee

How do you foster innovation in your organization? How do you collaborate to achieve more together, in cross-functional teams, breaking up silos across departments, no matter where you are located? In the Agile Co-Creation Leadership Workshop you learn what it takes to co-create.

Certified Management 3.0 Agile People Leadership Workshop Attendee

You cannot make people feel motivated or engaged. What you can do is set up the right conditions. In our Agile People Leadership Workshop you will look into how to create an organization that is future-ready,  an organization that is based on a strong purpose which people can connect to.

Certified Management 3.0 Agile Team Leadership Workshop Attendee

What does it take to build a high-performing team? With our Agile Team Leadership Workshop you will be enabled to better serve your team as a leader, set up the right conditions for self-organization, and foster growth for both the team members and the team as a whole.

The Management 3.0 Learning Path

Your Agile Leadership Learning Experience: Become a confident and adept leader with Management 3.0 courses, community, events:

Management 3.0 Learning Path

Comparison of Management 3.0 Workshops

Which workshop is right for you?

Workshop NameDescriptionContentPre-requisites(Minimum) DurationCertification
Foundation Workshop

Certified Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop Attendee
Discover the power of modern leadership at our Foundation Workshop! Gain essential theoretical and practical skills, focusing on impactful tools during this live workshop with interaction, discussion, exchanging experiences.• Management and Leadership
• Principles
• Complexity Thinking
• Motivation and Engagement
• Delegation and Empowerment
• Values and Culture
• Learning and Competencies
• Scaling Organizational Structure
• Change Management
n/a16 hoursUpon completion, you will receive a Foundation Workshop Certificate of Attendance.
Agility in HR Workshop

Certified Management 3.0 Agile in HR Workshop Attendee
Almost Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop with additional content and ICAgile accreditation, especially for people working in HR. Interaction, discussion, exchanging experiencesAll content from Foundation Workshop except Change Management, plus:
• Success & Failure
• Agile Product Development
• Rewards & Incentives
• People Empowerment
• Meaning & Purpose
• Metrics & OKRs
• Better Feedback
• Hire Great People
• Individuals & Interactions
n/a16 hoursAgility in HR Workshop Certificate of Attendance plus ICAgile Certified Professional in Agility in HR (ICP-AHR) certification.
Agile Change Leadership

Certified Management 3.0 Agile Change Leadership Workshop Attendee
Lead your organization and your team through change with tangible tools, practices, and the best strategies.• Change Management Advanced
 • Success and Failure
 • Metrics and OKRs
Certificate of Attendance of Foundation or Agility in HR Workshop or Certificate of Practice8 hoursAgile Change Leadership
Workshop Certificate of Attendance.
Agile Co-Creation Leadership

Certified Management 3.0 Agile Co-Creation Leadership Workshop Attendee
Lead co-creation initiatives in your organization to foster innovation and continuous improvement for a successful and sustainable organization.• Agile Product Development
• Remote & Hybrid Collaboration
 • Creativity & Innovation
 • Better Meetings
Certificate of Attendance of Foundation or Agility in HR Workshop or Certificate of Practice8 hoursAgile Co-Creation Leadership
Workshop Certificate of Attendance.
Agile Team Leadership

Certified Management 3.0 Agile Team Leadership Workshop Attendee
Lead and grow self-organized agile teams to high-performing teams – with the Management 3.0 mindset and tangible tools. • Teams
 • Individuals and  Interactions
 • Better Feedback
 • Worker Happiness
Certificate of Attendance of Foundation or Agility in HR Workshop or Certificate of Practice8 hoursAgile Team Leadership
Workshop Certificate of Attendance.
Agile People Leadership

Certified Management 3.0 Agile People Leadership Workshop Attendee
Managing the system, not the people, is more important than ever in leadership. Transform your organization by combining best strategies and practices. • Meaning & Purpose
 • Emotional Intelligence
 • Hiring Great People
 • Rewards & Incentives
Certificate of Attendance of Foundation or Agility in HR Workshop or Certificate of Practice8 hoursAgile People Leadership
Workshop Certificate of Attendance.
(Other) Management 3.0 Workshop

Certified Management 3.0 Workshop Attendee
Management 3.0 Facilitators all around the world offer various customized workshops for different needs.Our Facilitators may offer custom workshops created out of Management 3.0 modules and practicesn/aVarious, depending on workshop and facilitatorCertificate of Attendance for this specific workshop.

Find an overview of all Management 3.0 workshop modules here.


Who participates in Management 3.0 workshops? 

Management 3.0 leadership workshops are targeted to one specific group of people: those focused on improving their approach to management. These are the people who recognize that there is not enough employee engagement and team collaboration in their organization and who won’t just complain, but are looking for proactive solutions to change management processes.