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HELLO, my name is Jürgen Dittmar

  • Lives in Munich, Germany
  • Speaks German and English
  • Holds events in Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Greece, Indonesia, Ukraine, Italy, Poland, Sweden and Hungary
  • Works for Cocondi - Coaching Consulting Dittmar
  • Years as a Facilitator: 12
  • Number of events held: 260

Past Attendee Ratings

9.0 / 10.0 Public events (Based on 694 evaluations)
Last 12 months: 9.3 / 10.0 (Based on 24 evaluations)
8.6 / 10.0 Private events (Based on 714 evaluations)
Last 12 months: 8.1 / 10.0 (Based on 86 evaluations)

Past Attendee Feedback

Short Bio

Jürgen Dittmar ist Organisationspsychologe, systemischer Management-Berater und "Agiler Berater und Coach".

Mit seinem Unternehmen cocondi berät und begleitet er seit 2011 Unternehmen erfolgreich bei der Einführung und Optimierung besserer Führungsprinzipien und agilerer Strukturen und Vorgehensweisen. Fokussiert auf das Thema „Agile Leadership“ arbeitet er dabei schwerpunktmäßig mit den Führungskräften in den unterschiedlichen Unternehmen und Managementebenen.

Vor seiner Selbständigkeit war Jürgen Dittmar selbst zehn Jahre Führungskraft in verschiedenen Bereichen der IT eines internationalen Konzerns (Telekommunikation). Seine IT-Karriere begann er 1990 als Entwickler für geographische Informationssysteme. Neben seinem Geographie-Diplom verfügt Jürgen Dittmar über einen Master der “Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie”.

Er ist ausgebildeter systemischer Berater und Coach und gilt mit über 200 "Management 3.0" Workshops und über 2500 Teilnehmern als einer der weltweit erfahrensten Trainer und Vertreter für Management 3.0. Außerdem veranstaltet er seit 2012 den monatlichen Management 3.0 Stammtisch München.


Jürgen Dittmar is an organizational psychologist, systemic management consultant and "Agile Consultant and Coach".

With his company „cocondi“, he has been successfully advising and supporting companies in the introduction and optimization of better leadership principles and more agile structures and approaches since 2011. Focusing on the topic of "Agile Leadership", he works primarily with executives in various companies and management levels.

Before becoming self-employed, Jürgen Dittmar himself spent ten years as an executive in various areas of IT for an international corporation (telecommunications). He began his IT career in 1990 as a developer of geographic information systems. In addition to his geography diploma, Jürgen Dittmar holds a master's degree in "Industrial and Organizational Psychology".

He is a trained systemic consultant and coach and is considered one of the world's most experienced trainers and representatives for Management 3.0 with over 200 "Management 3.0" workshops and more than 2500 participants. He has also been hosting the monthly Management 3.0 Stammtisch Munich since 2012.

Please find below the evaluations from my participants since 2013:

Jürgen has contributed to the Management 3.0 Blog

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Jürgen's Management 3.0 Qualifications

  • Certified Agile Leadership Facilitator
  • Certificate of Attendance Foundation Workshop
  • Certificate of Attendance Agile Change Leadership Workshop
  • Certificate of Attendance Agile Co-creation Leadership Workshop
  • Certificate of Attendance Agile People Leadership Workshop
  • Certificate of Attendance Agile Team Leadership Workshop