HELLO, my name is Ivo Haase
Lives in Neuruppin, Germany
- Speaks German and English
- Holds events in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Croatia, Mongolia, Serbia, Slovenia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Albania, Iran, Syria, Algeria and Jordan
- Years as a Facilitator: 5
- Number of events held: 53
Past Attendee Ratings
/ 10.0
Private events (Based on 41 evaluations)
Past Attendee Feedback
Motivator, helpful, hands-on, able to manage the discussion well.
Aghiad Abu Kheir (International Medical Corps)
Rating for the event:
Sharp, knowledgeable with real life experience
Firas Shuman (UNDP)
Rating for the event:
Highly energetic
Salah Moussalli
Rating for the event:
Positive, respectful, expert
Alaa Alazem (Strata Contracting and Trading L.L.C)
Rating for the event:
super freundlich, durchgehend fröhlich, fachlich sehr kompetent, viele \"Spielsachen\" mitgebracht
Louis Rohde (Stadtsparkasse Haltern am See)
Rating for the event:
The facilitator did a well job. We became a team after one hour and had enjoyable days. Ivo planned and explained every task as much as possible.
Deik Schnarre
Rating for the event:
Ruhte in sich, sehr bodenständig, tolle Ausstrahlung, sehr vertrauenswürdig, hat die Inhalte interaktiv rübergebracht (Zeit ist wie im Flug vergangen), hat quasi immer gelächelt und damit die Stimmung immer positiv und wertschätzend gestaltet. Toll!
Pia Cordes
Rating for the event:
Clear structures
Clear explanations. I was inspired
Jaqueline Keppner
Rating for the event:
Ivo was an amazing facilitator. He gve us a lot of relly usful examples and he clarified every tool deep enough. He has a huge knowledge about leadership and management 3.0. He was a great inspiration.
Flora Simon (WJ)
Rating for the event:
The facilitator is a trainer with heart and soul, you can feel it. the spark quickly spreads to the participants. He makes it easy to absorb the content
Stefan Dorsch
Rating for the event:
Freundlichkeit, aktives Zuhören, Eingehen auf jeden Einzelnen
Theresia Wissinger
Rating for the event:
Ivo has great in depth and hands on knowledge. He always manages to deliver the content in a interesting and engaging way.
Wolfgang Widmann
Rating for the event:
Insgesamt sehr gut auf die Teilnehmer eingegangen, auch das vermittelte Wissen war sehr professionell
Matthias Kindermann
Rating for the event:
Short Bio
Hello, my name is Ivo and I've been running a family business, together with my Dad, for 18 years already.
I’ve been a "Management"- and "Business" trainer for several NGOs, SMEs as well as (German foreign) Chambers of Commerce for more than 10 years. I’ve been working as a trainer in Poland, Czech Republic, Morocco, Cyprus, Lebanon, Hungary, Latvia, Croatia, Slovenia, Malta Iran, Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa and Kosovo.
The main focus of my trainings are mainly topics related to "(Self-) Management", "Personal development", “Presentation skills” and “Effective meetings”.
I took part in and graduated from several Train the Trainer courses, e. g. "Haufe Trainer Flex", "WJD-Trainer", "JCI Trainer".
I’m a "LEGO Serious Play"-Facilitator, a "Training From The Back Of the Room"-Practitioner, a "Creative Coach for 'Thinking with Hands'" and a "Business Model You - Certified Practitioner".
Follow Ivo