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HELLO, my name is Ivo Haase

  • Lives in Neuruppin, Germany
  • Speaks German and English
  • Holds events in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Croatia, Mongolia, Serbia, Slovenia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Albania, Iran, Syria, Algeria and Jordan
  • Years as a Facilitator: 5
  • Number of events held: 53

Past Attendee Ratings

9.7 / 10.0 Private events (Based on 41 evaluations)

Past Attendee Feedback

Short Bio

Hello, my name is Ivo and I've been running a family business, together with my Dad, for 18 years already.

I’ve been a "Management"- and "Business" trainer for several NGOs, SMEs as well as (German foreign) Chambers of Commerce for more than 10 years. I’ve been working as a trainer in Poland, Czech Republic, Morocco, Cyprus, Lebanon, Hungary, Latvia, Croatia, Slovenia, Malta Iran, Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa and Kosovo.

The main focus of my trainings are mainly topics related to "(Self-) Management", "Personal development", “Presentation skills” and “Effective meetings”.

I took part in and graduated from several Train the Trainer courses, e. g. "Haufe Trainer Flex", "WJD-Trainer", "JCI Trainer".

I’m a "LEGO Serious Play"-Facilitator, a "Training From The Back Of the Room"-Practitioner, a "Creative Coach for 'Thinking with Hands'" and a "Business Model You - Certified Practitioner".

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Ivo's Management 3.0 Qualifications

  • Certificate of Attendance Foundation Workshop