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HELLO, my name is Fernando Ivan Torres Garcia

  • Lives in Lima, Lima, Peru
  • Speaks English and Spanish
  • Holds events in Peru
  • Years as a Facilitator: 4
  • Number of events held: 3

Past Attendee Ratings

10.0 / 10.0 Private events (Based on 7 evaluations)

Short Bio

Industrial Engineer at PUCP and Scrum Master. Master in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Lund University (Sweden) and People Management at UP (Peru). Specialist in Culture of Innovation and Agile Methodologies such as Lean Start-up, Design Thinking, Scrum, Sprint, Management 3.0 among others. University Professor. Startup Mentor. Founder of Switch Lab Peru.

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Fernando Ivan's Management 3.0 Qualifications

  • Certificate of Attendance Foundation Workshop