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HELLO, my name is Juan Mello

  • Lives in Canelones, Canelones, Uruguay
  • Speaks English and Spanish
  • Holds events in Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Venezuela, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, El Salvador, Bolivia, United States of America, Spain, Dominican Republic and Canada
  • Years as a Facilitator: 3
  • Number of events held: 32

Past Attendee Ratings

9.8 / 10.0 Public events (Based on 281 evaluations)
Last 12 months: 9.4 / 10.0 (Based on 37 evaluations)
9.8 / 10.0 Private events (Based on 143 evaluations)
Last 12 months: 9.8 / 10.0 (Based on 64 evaluations)

Past Attendee Feedback

Short Bio

(ensligh version below)

¡Gracias por visitar mi perfil!

Me llamo Juan Mello, trabajando hace más de 15 años de experiencia en la industria de Tecnología, liderando equipo desde distintos roles como Project Manager, Scrum Master, Agile Coach, Chapter Director y Lider de Oficina de Transofmración

Me encanta la capacitación, el coaching y la facilitación, enfocándome sobre todo en perfiles como Agile Coaches, Scrum Masters, Team Leads y cualquier rol de liderazgo en un contexto de agilidad.

Vivo el panorama empresarial actual como un desafío constante, y me parece divertido!, donde las organizaciones enfrentan temas como la resistencia al cambio, el desarrollo del liderazgo y la búsqueda de prácticas adecuadas. Creo que reflexionar sobre los métodos actuales es clave para lograr una mejora continua y adaptación, siempre con foco en las personas.

Con experiencia Coaching, PNL (Programación Neuro Lingüística) Management 3.0, el mnindset Agile y marcos de trabajo como Kanban, Scrum, SAFe y LeSS, ayudo a los gerentes a crear métodos de trabajo personalizados para obtener resultados sostenibles y efectivos.

Conéctate conmigo en LinkedIn en para embarcarte en un viaje transformador y desbloquear tu potencial de liderazgo en el mundo ágil. Juntos, navegaremos los desafíos, inspiraremos el crecimiento y lograremos resultados extraordinarios!

Algunos de los artículos que he escrito sobre prácticas de Management 3.0 (están en idioma inglés):


Thanks for visiting my profile!

My name is Juan Mello. I'm an Agile Coach with over 15 years of experience in the Technology Industry.

I have a deep passion for training, coaching, and facilitating, especially for Agile Coaches, Scrum Masters, Team Leads, and Agile Leads.

In today's business landscape, organizations face challenges like resistance to change, leadership development, and finding suitable practices. I believe in reflecting on current methods for continuous improvement and adaptation.

With expertise in Coaching, NLP (neuro linguistic programming), Management 3.0, Agile People mindset, and frameworks like Kanban, Scrum, SAFe and LeSS, I help managers create customized work methods for healthy and effective results.

As Uruguay's pioneer Management 3.0 facilitator and the Regional Representative for LATAM, I bring real-world experience and insights.

Let's connect on LinkedIn at to embark on a transformative journey toward unlocking your leadership potential in the agile world. Together, we'll navigate challenges, inspire growth, and achieve remarkable results.

Below some articles I have written regarding some Management 3.0 practices:

Juan has contributed to the Management 3.0 Blog

The Peter Principle Explained: Flying Too High – When Promotion Meets Incompetence

The Peter Principle states that in hierarchical structures, individuals will continue to be promoted until they reach a level where they are no longer competent, resulting in inefficiency and frustration within the organization. But what are the effects on those affected by the Peter Principle, and how can we prevent its negative consequences? By applying Management 3.0 principles, we can mitigate the impact of the Peter Principle and foster a more effective and harmonious workplace. Let's explore how.

Read more

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Juan's Management 3.0 Qualifications

  • Certificate of Practice
  • Certificate of Attendance Agile Change Leadership Workshop
  • Certificate of Attendance Agile Co-creation Leadership Workshop
  • Certificate of Attendance Agile People Leadership Workshop
  • Certificate of Attendance Agile Team Leadership Workshop
  • Certificate of Attendance Fundamentals Online Workshop