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Meet our Facilitators

HELLO, my name is Leonel Zapien Lopez

  • Lives in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Jalisco, Mexico
  • Speaks Spanish and English
  • Holds events in Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru, Venezuela, Uruguay, Paraguay and United States of America
  • Years as a Facilitator: 2
  • Number of events held: 19

Past Attendee Ratings

9.8 / 10.0 Public events (Based on 117 evaluations)
Last 12 months: 9.8 / 10.0 (Based on 105 evaluations)
9.8 / 10.0 Private events (Based on 82 evaluations)

Short Bio

Primeramente, me gustaría aclarar que cualquier curso/taller o colaboración puedo impartirla en Español o Inglés :)

Firstly, I would like to clarify that any training course/workshop or collaboration I can provide it in English or Spanish :)


"Estoy convencido de que la Agilidad es un camino y no un fin. Me encanta ayudar a los equipos a co-crear las mejores condiciones para abrazar la Agilidad, enfocados siempre en agregar valor y poniendo en el centro la felicidad de las personas."

Soy un apasionado de la Agilidad Organizacional desde 2014. He tenido el enorme gusto de facilitar cursos, conferencias/webinars, y acompañar a personas y equipos de diversos países de Latinoamérica, Estados Unidos y España :)

Soy Consultor de Agilidad Organizacional (Agile-Lean), especializado en Scrum, Kanban, OKRs, Gestión del cambio, así como Facilitador con licencia de Management 3.0 y de Scrum. Encantado siempre de compartir, cocrear y aprender :)

De formación, soy ingeniero en computación con una maestría en informática aplicada (MIA) y una segunda maestría en administración de empresas (MBA) con especialidad en calidad total y productividad. Cuento con varios años de experiencia en la industria de Tecnologías de Información en empresas transnacionales, donde he colaborado con equipos de Estados Unidos y Asia.


"I am convinced that Agility is a path and not an end. I love helping teams to co-create the best conditions to embrace Agility, always focused on adding value and putting people's happiness at the center. "

I am passionate about Business Agility since 2014. I have had the great pleasure of facilitating courses, conferences/webinars, and accompanying people and teams from various countries in Latin America, the United States and Spain :)

I am an Business Agility Consultant (Agile-Lean) specialized in Scrum, Kanban, OKRs, Change Management as well as a Licensed Management 3.0 and Scrum Facilitator. Always delighted to share, co-create and learn :)

By profession, I am a computer engineer with a master's degree in applied computing (MIA) and a second master's degree in business administration (MBA) with a specialty in total quality and productivity. I have several years of experience in the Information Technology industry in transnational companies, where I have colaborated with teams from the Unitated States and Asia.

Cuento con 70 certificaciones profesionales (Management 3.0, Agilidad / Agilismo, Scrum, Kanban, Lean Change, unFIX, Scrum@Scale, Large Scale Scrum (LeSS), SAFe, Lean Inception, Enterprise Agility University, Agile Coaching, Coaching Sistémico, Facilitación, Project Management Institute (PMI), Business Agility, OKRs, entre otras), aquí algunas:

I have 70 professional certifications (Management 3.0, Agile, Business Agility, Scrum, Kanban, Lean Change, unFIX, Scrum@Scale, Large Scale Scrum (LeSS), SAFe, Lean Inception, Enterprise Agility University, Agile Coaching, Systems Coaching, Facilitation, Project Management Institute (PMI), OKRs, among others), here some of these certifications:

  • Formo parte de distintos institutos y comunidades:
    I am part of different institutes and communities:

Este es mi perfil de LinkedIn, podemos conversar por este medio.
This is my LinkedIn profile, we can talk here..

Este es mi perfil de Instagram, también por acá estoy disponible.
This is my Instagram profile, I am also available here.

Te comparto algunos videos de eventos internacionales donde he tenido el gusto de impartir webinars, para que me conozcas un poco mejor:

Puedes ver más videos sobre el trabajo que hago, en este link

I share with you some videos of international events where I have had the pleasure of giving some webinars, so you can get to know me a little better:

You can watch more videos about the work that I do, in this link.

Liderazgo Tribal (con Management 3.0 y otras herramientas) / Tribal Leadership (with Management 3.0 and other tools)

Summit 2024 de CertiProf: Mentalidad de Crecimiento y Agilidad / Growth Mindset and Agile

Scrum LATAM 4to aniversario: Iterando la Cultura Organizacional / Iterating Organizational Culture

Cualquier cuestión en la que pueda ayudar, así como cualquier duda o comentario, no dudes en contactarme. Será un gusto hablar contigo :)

Any question in which I can help, as well as any doubt or comment, do not hesitate to contact me. It will be a pleasure to talk with you :)

Follow Leonel

Leonel's Management 3.0 Qualifications

  • Certificate of Practice
  • Certificate of Attendance Agile Change Leadership Workshop
  • Certificate of Attendance Agile Co-creation Leadership Workshop
  • Certificate of Attendance Agile People Leadership Workshop
  • Certificate of Attendance Agile Team Leadership Workshop
  • Certificate of Attendance Fundamentals Online Workshop