HELLO, my name is Christoph Dibbern
Lives in Oldenburg, Germany
- Speaks English and German
- Holds events in Germany, United Kingdom, United States of America, Switzerland, Austria, India and South Africa
- Years as a Facilitator: 3
- Number of events held: 18
Past Attendee Ratings
/ 10.0
Public events (Based on 52 evaluations)
Last 12 months: 9.1 / 10.0 (Based on 19 evaluations)
Past Attendee Feedback
For every question or discussion point you get a good answer with which you can work in the future. Because of how the course was structured, we did not lose questions, we collect them and answer them at the point where the content was about it.
Daniel Penner
Rating for the event:
Sehr guter Rede- und Erzählstil. Er war sehr offen, für alle möglichen Anmerkungen zu dem Thema. Zudem ist er in der Schulung flexibel auf die Bedürfnisse und Wünsche der Zuhörer*innen eingegangen.
Christian Nickel
Rating for the event:
Christoph hat uns mit Begeisterung und tollem visuellen Input die Seminarinhalte vermittelt. Dabei wurden von ihm verschiedene Formate genutzt und praktische Übungen durchgeführt. Im Rahmen der Schulung konnten wir bereits vorab Themen favorisieren, so dass es ein wirklicher Mehrwert für alle wurde.
Nicole Cichocki
Rating for the event:
breites Fachwissen, Eingehen auf individuelle Fragestellungen inkl. Materialsammlung bis zum nächsten Tag, kurzweilige Präsentation und interaktives Arbeiten, immer auf das Energielevel der Teilnehmer abgestimmt.
Nadine Kleinbauer
Rating for the event:
Sehr aufmerksam, interaktive Veranstaltung (trotz remote), ist auf alle Fragen professionell eingegangen und der Workshop war allgemein mit sehr großem Spaßfaktor verbunden.
Victoria Edwards
Rating for the event:
Christoph\'s knowledge of business agility is impressive. It is always amazing to see how deeply Christoph is immersed in the individual agile frameworks, models and ways of thinking. This also applies to the perspectives from Management 3.0.
Daniel Temmler
Rating for the event:
Good listener. He includes the whole group and distribute well the floor. Ex: Christophe, what do you think? And you Jack? ; Making the training very interactive.
Christophe Pirnay
Rating for the event:
Christoph konnte zusätzlich zu den Trainingsinhalten immer wieder gute Details und Literaturempfehlungen ergänzen, sodass ein starker Einreiz entsteht sich noch weiter in das Thema einzuarbeiten.
Jens Thiemann
Rating for the event:
Spontan, Humorvoll, viele Praxisbeispiele, hohe Medienkompetenz
Markus Willner
Rating for the event:
Christoph vermittelt die Inhalte klar und sehr anschaulich. Die Leidenschaft, die er für das Thema hat, wird deutlich und macht Workshops bei ihm zu einer besonderen Zeit.
Lea Sophie Thiele
Rating for the event:
Short Bio
Hi, I am Christoph, a lifelong learner, passionate about business agility and its effects on workplaces and business altogether. I value integrity, and tolerance and strive for nothing less than greatness. This is my approach to facilitating trainings & workshops, too, making them better every time, with a big emphasis on interactivity, structure, and flexibility to accommodate the needs of the group to maximize learning and deepen the impact.
I live with integrity, think customer-oriented, ignite passion, take accountability, promote innovation, and achieve greatness and tolerance.
Besides being a Management 3.0 Agile Leadership Facilitator, I am among others also a Professional Scrum Master III (PSM III) and Professional Product Owner III (PSPO III). I help your organization to evolve and improve with my experience of more than 10 years in organizational development.
Management 3.0 trailer with me
Studies show that the fear of loss of community and connection to colleagues is one of the top concerns of employees regarding remote work.
One of my remote workshop experience examples:

I am a University Lecturer for the Master's study program IT Management and Consulting at the University of Hamburg and speak regularly at international conferences. If you're looking for a skilled and passionate professional facilitator who can help you transform your business, then I might be the right one for you. Let's have a common Management 3.0 workshop and make common further steps to achieve your goals and make your organization thrive in today's fast-paced world.
May I help you to make the impact you want?
Do not hesitate to contact me via my free conversation possibilities, if you have any questions.
E-Mail: christoph.dibbern@crossnative.com

My blog articles about Management 3.0 practices:
Follow Christoph