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Meet our Facilitators

HELLO, my name is Marc Nieman

  • Lives in Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Speaks English, Dutch and German
  • Holds events in Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Morocco
  • Years as a Facilitator: 1
  • Number of events held: 5

Past Attendee Ratings

9.2 / 10.0 Public events (Based on 6 evaluations)
9.8 / 10.0 Private events (Based on 4 evaluations)

Short Bio

I believe in the power of people; the ability to achieve amazing things through true collaboration!

Unfortunately, too often that power is diminished or blocked by outdated corporate structures and cultures.

As Agile coach and licensed Management 3.0 facilitator I apply my passion to support people, teams, and organizations to transform the way they organize and manage work.

Creating cultures, structures and (ideally lean) processes that support engaged employees to create valuable experiences for companies, customers, and society.

Using a human and customer centric approach, putting mindset before methodologies.

First, I need to understand the challenge or opportunity we’re tackling to agnostically apply my skills and expertise.

I became a Management 3.0 facilitator in 2021 because I believe in their vision, “redefine leadership to create happier people and successful organizations” and the core principles focusing on people, system thinking and collaboration.

Because as we say, “management is too important to leave to managers”.

The Management 3.0 approach, translating principles into specific areas of attention and associated practices are in my view a great way to create that tangible and sustainable change on a daily basis.

Changing behavior based on the Management 3.0 mindset, leading to a different culture and organization.

From a transformation perspective I have experience with IT, marketing, HR and enterprise-wide change initiatives using methodologies such as Scrum, Design Thinking, SAFE, Customer Experience, A/B testing and Management 3.0.

Prior to my role as Agile coach, I spent 20 years in B2B commercial and advisory roles, learning how important it is to understand the WHY behind each question and creating customer specific solutions.

In my spare time I enjoy travel, cooking, spending time with family and friends, supporting my local football team, dining out, reading, movies and swimming.

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Marc's Management 3.0 Qualifications

  • Certificate of Attendance Foundation Workshop