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HELLO, my name is Tetsuya Takishita

Past Attendee Ratings

8.9 / 10.0 Public events (Based on 9 evaluations)

Short Bio

"良い関係性、良い組織が、良い製品づくりにつながる" と考え、Management3.0に積極的に取り組んでいます。

I am working as an IT engineer for a company in Kyushu and practicing I am working as an IT engineer for a company in Kyushu and practicing Scrum development.
I am actively working on Management 3.0, believing that "good relationships and good organization lead to good product creation".
My future goal is to spread the Management 3.0 philosophy in Kyushu and to empower local companies and individuals to make positive changes.

Tetsuya's Management 3.0 Qualifications

  • Certificate of Attendance Agility in HR Workshop