Employee engagement is one of the main topics for organizations this decade. Managers and leaders worldwide ask for tools and techniques in order to increase employee engagement. At Management 3.0 we speak a lot about employee engagement and motivation and we have quite a few tools for you to try, including employee engagement activities such as:
Moving Motivators
Moving Motivators is a game you can play in order to learn more about employee motivation. When playing with your team or during a one-on-one session, you as a manager will figure what motivates your teammates.
The Management 3.0 Moving Motivators game consists of ten cards reflecting the ten motivators of the CHAMPFROGS model. They include: Curiosity, Honor, Acceptance, Mastery, Power, Freedom, Relatedness, Order, Goal and Status. First let your team define what the different motivators mean to them. They can then sort those motivators from least to most important. Moving Motivators is the perfect reflection tool and a great technique to get better insights into what drives your colleagues.