What Kind of Manager Are You?
When things get stressful at work what do you do? When you want to congratulate your team on a job well-done, how do say it? When you want to make sure a project is being done properly what actions do you take? If you’ve ever wondered why you do what you do as a manager then you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to our fabulous Management 3.0 quiz, where it only takes a few questions to find out your management style.
This is a fun and easy way to gain insight into how you function as a leader and you might even walk away with a few practical tips as well!
When you give a task to a colleague do you?
What do you do to understand what motivates your teammates?
The best way to create a positive company culture is?
In order to build healthy relationships with colleagues you?
You foster professional growth on your team by
When you want to give feedback to someone about an issue, you
Professional FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)

You love knowing what’s going on, it makes you happy. You like to know how the team’s doing, what people are thinking and if progress is being made on projects. It’s the professional version of FOMO (fear of missing out).
You come from a genuine place because you care about the team and its well-being. You might find yourself delegating tasks only to check in on their progress shortly after. You like to help people, perhaps too much sometimes to the point of feeling like you might not be appreciated. Sometimes you get a bit obsessed with perfection, it can annoy you if others don’t meet the same professional standards that you set for yourself and the team. Ultimately you’re a driving force on the team, someone your colleagues like to have around and appreciate.
Things to be conscious of: Some members of your team might feel that you don’t trust them if you’re constantly following up and asking how things are going with their work. Be sure to let colleagues know and feel like you trust them and value their work.
If you want to make people feel like you trust them, one of the best things to do is to learn to delegate. How can you do this? At Management 3.0 we use Delegation Poker as a way to decide who does what and at what point someone needs to ask for permission in order to move ahead or when someone can take charge on their own. Let your team know and more importantly feel, that you trust their decision making abilities by playing Delegation Poker.
Do It AgainYou, do you!

If there was one phrase that perfectly explained your management style it would probably be: You do you! You like to let people do their thing, in their own way and on their own time with little interference.
While you care about the success and development of the team you don’t like to get in people’s ways and never want to be seen as someone causing drama or friction.
You believe people generally do good work and make the right decisions and that people’s strengths shine when they feel empowered, supported and valued. While you take more of a hands off approach to management you try your best to lead by example and align yourself with the company’s goals and values.
Things to be conscious of: Your ‘laissez-faire’ approach to management might at times be seen as synonymous with ‘not caring’ about the success of the team or not being fully invested. Make sure to take the time to express your commitment to the team and show, where you can that you do care.
What can you do to dispel the idea that you don’t care’? Nothing says ‘I care’ more than a hand-written card thanking someone for their contribution to the team or just to say you appreciate them. Management 3.0’s Kudo Cards are the best way to give a personalized and thoughtful reminder that lets people know you’re grateful for their work.
Do It AgainLead From Behind

You lead with a silent strength. Everyone knows you’re there and everyone knows how much you care about the team’s success, you don’t always announce your presence. You choose when you think it’s important to be direct and tackle something head on and when you think it’s better to sit back and let things work themselves out.
You’re always there, in the background making sure things run smoothly even if you don’t tell the team what you’re doing or thinking. You like to get close to your colleagues because you want to understand what makes them tick and what makes them feel acknowledged, but you also keep your distance because you like your privacy. People see you as someone they can look up to and trust and usually listen when you speak.
Things to be conscious of: Your style might be perceived as ‘push/pull’ or ‘hot and cold’ and not easy to read, especially by people who don’t know you that well. Make an extra effort to communicate how you’re feeling, what you’re thinking and create an environment of approachability so people feel comfortable coming to you if they don’t understand where you’re ‘at’.
How can you better communicate what you’re feeling and thinking to people you work with? By understanding others’ intrinsic and extrinsic motivations as well as your own, we can better relate to each other. At Management 3.0 we recommend playing Moving Motivators in order to gain insight into what makes our colleagues and ourselves tick. By finding out what’s important to you and those around you it’s easier to connect, communicate and work together.
Do It Again