Do you want to make a positive difference?
Although this text and all materials are written in English, the workshop will be facilitated in the Dutch language.
Location: Den Haag, specific details will be communicated 1 week before the workshop
Included: exclusive lunch, hot & cold drinks, lots of fun :-) and a M30 Toolbox with materials to kick start your experience and improve team effectiveness.
Topics that will be discussed include: Leadership & Agile Management, Complexity Thinking, Energizing People, Empowering Teams, Aligning Constraints, Developing Competence, Growing Structure & Change Management.
This will be a very fun en energizing 2-day Workshop where we wil practice with games, tools and techniques.
Questions that will be discussed during this 2-day Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop include:
1. What is an agile mindset, how do we become agile instead of doing agile?
2. How do we find, access and utilize the intelligence of others?
3. How can we motivate our workers?
4. How can we change the organization’s culture?
5. How can we change the mindset or managers?
6. How can we get teams to take responsibility?
7. How can we improve teamwork and collaboration?
8. How can we get managers to trust their teams?
9. How can we make the business more agile?
10. How can we practice all the above learnings in a sustainable way?
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
- Nelson Mandela