Management 3.0 Event by Stacey Buys

Foundation Workshop

This is past event!

This event has concluded. You might be interested in these upcoming events nearby:

Thursday 15th of August 2024 - Agile Change Leadership Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Europe / Berlin
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20th - 21st of August 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Berlin, Germany
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27th - 28th of August 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Europe / Berlin
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2nd - 3rd of September 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Köln, Germany
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2nd - 23rd of September 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Europe / Berlin
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5th - 6th of September 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Hamburg, Germany
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9th - 10th of September 2024 - Foundation Workshop
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10th - 13th of September 2024 - Foundation Workshop
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Europe / Berlin
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16th - 18th of September 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Berlin, Germany
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19th - 20th of September 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Europe / Berlin
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Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop  

Start: 20th of June 2023 • 09:00
End: 21st of June 2023 • 17:00
Timezone: Europe / Brussels
Sold Out!

Brussels, Belgium

Spoken language:

Materials language: English

Hours Total / Per Day:
16 / 8


"Le 21 siècle est le siècle de la complexité" (Stephen Hawking)

De nos jours, les Managers et leurs équipes ont besoin de nouvelles méthodes de gestion des processus et des rapports humains, les managers ne doivent plus simplement être des chefs mais des leader inspirants, les équipes doivent être innovantes, etc...

Depuis plus de 10 ans Management 3.0 offre une réponse sensée aux problématiques de l'entreprise et du management.

Ce workshop de 2 jours est destiné à vous faire découvrir ces réponses. Durant celui-ci, vous appréhenderez les différentes composantes du Management 3.0 (termes originaux):

  • Energize people: Motivation et Engagement
  • Empower Teams: Délégation et Autonomisation
  • Aligne Constraints: Valeurs et Culture
  • Develop Competence: Apprentissae et Compétences
  • Grow Structure: Mise à l'échelle de la structure organisationnelle
  • Improve Everything: Succès et Echec

Ces différents éléments vous permettront d'y voir plus clair et de faire face à la complexité de l'entreprise d'aujourd'hui.

This is past event!
Thank you for the registration. Your registration has been sent to Stacey Buys. Stacey will contact you soon to provide more info on payment and other formalities. For further questions regarding this workshop please contact Stacey directly

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