Management 3.0 Event by Romain Olives

Foundation Workshop

This is past event!

This event has concluded. You might be interested in these upcoming events by Romain:

28th - 29th of October 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Europe / Paris
More info
14th - 15th of November 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Europe / Paris
More info
Monday 2nd of December 2024 - Agile Team Leadership Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Europe / Paris
More info
Tuesday 3rd of December 2024 - Agile People Leadership Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Europe / Paris
More info
Wednesday 4th of December 2024 - Agile Co-Creation Leadership Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Europe / Paris
More info
Friday 6th of December 2024 - Agile Change Leadership Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Europe / Paris
More info

Management 3.0 - Two-days Foundation Workshop  

Start: 23rd of November 2023 • 09:00
End: 24th of November 2023 • 18:00
Timezone: Europe / Paris
Sold Out!

Online Workshop Timezone:
Europe / Paris

Spoken language:

Materials language: English

Hours Total / Per Day:
16 / 8


Management 3.0 – Two-days Foundation

Formation certifiante

Le Management 3.0 vient d’un constat simple : nous sommes à l’aube d’un changement majeur et nous sommes prêts à appliquer un nouveau mode de management. Le M3.0 est le futur de ce management ! C’est un mouvement basé sur l’innovation, le leadership et le management. Le M3.0 redéfini le leadership et les façons de collaborer pour trouver le moyen le plus efficace d’atteindre ses objectifs, tout en considérant le bien-être des personnes comme la priorité.

Contenu de la formation

  • Management & Leadership
  • Les principes du M3.0
  • La science de la complexité
  • Motiver les personnes : Motivation & Engagement
  • Autonomiser les équipes : Délegation & Responsabilisation
  • Aligner les contraintes : Valeurs & Culture
  • Développer les compétences : Apprentissage & Compétences
  • Développer sa structure : Mettre à l'échelle
  • Change Management

Plus d'information sur notre site web :

This is past event!
Thank you for the registration. Your registration has been sent to Romain Olives. Romain will contact you soon to provide more info on payment and other formalities. For further questions regarding this workshop please contact Romain directly

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