Management 3.0 Event by Tasha Temple and Ken Rickard

Foundation Workshop

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This event has concluded. You might be interested in these upcoming events nearby:

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29th of July - 1st of August 2024 - Foundation Workshop
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Tuesday 30th of July 2024 - Intro to Management 3.0
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30th of July - 15th of August 2024 - Foundation Workshop
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America / Mexico City
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Wednesday 31st of July 2024 - Intro to Management 3.0
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Foundation Workshop  

Start: 10th of July 2023 • 13:00
End: 13th of July 2023 • 17:00
Timezone: America / New York
Sold Out!

Online Workshop Timezone:
America / New York

Spoken language:

Materials language: English

Hours Total / Per Day:
16 / 4


Learn the basics of Management 3.0 during this online course led by our experienced Management 3.0 Facilitators. The Foundation Workshop contains the most valuable practices and modules related to Management 3.0 practices.

By attending the workshop, attendees will understand the basics of Management 3.0 and consider alternatives to leadership beyond traditional management.

This course will be delivered over four (4hr) live sessions by our instructors.

Workshop Session Details

Session 1

  • Management and Leadership
  • Management 3.0 Principles
  • Complexity Thinking

Session 2

  • Motivation and Engagement
  • Delegation and Empowerment

Session 3

  • Values and Culture
  • Learning and Competencies

Session 4

  • Scaling Organizational Structure
  • Success and Failure (Change and Experimentation)

Learning Objectives

Management and Leadership

  • Different management approaches and what is Management 3.0
  • Why do we first need to change our behavior before we expect other people to change their behavior
  • Why management is important and always needed.
  • The definition of Management 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 and why the evolution to 3.0 can be beneficial
  • Not only are managers responsible for the management, but so is the whole organization
  • Behavior is a function of the person and their environment
  • The six views of Management 3.0 and the definition of every view
  • Why it is important to manage the system and not the people

Management 3.0 Principles

  • How principles relate to practices
  • The five Management 3.0 Principles

Complexity Thinking

  • Why it is important to understand Complexity Thinking in a Management 3.0 context
  • What is reductionism and what are the common mistakes when applying reductionism
  • What is a Complex Adaptive System, and examples of Complex Adaptive Systems
  • A complexity model for understanding the different states of a system and how organizations fit in this model
  • How does VUCA relate to Complexity Thinking
  • The eight guidelines to deal with complexity
  • How to apply the eight guidelines in your organization
  • Understand that you can’t control or use frameworks to manage complex systems

Motivation and Engagement

  • Why is motivation important? What is the need for motivation?
  • How does engagement relate to motivation? What happens if people are engaged but not motivated and vice versa?
  • You can’t motivate people but can create a system where people can be inspired
  • The difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and which one is more critical in a Management 3.0 context
  • How to use the Moving Motivator cards to learn about individual motivators of people
  • How does “Manage the system, not the people” relate to motivation

Delegation and Empowerment

  • How Delegation and Empowerment relate to the view Empower Teams
  • Understand that people will behave as they are treated, a self-fulfilling prophecy trap
  • A complex system cannot be managed from one central node and a better approach in a Management 3.0 context
  • How authority and ability are related to empowerment, what they mean, and the difference
  • What exactly is empowerment and distributed control, and why is this important
  • Difference between accountability and responsibility. How are they connected to the empowerment of teams
  • Understand that accountability can't be delegated by managers and leaders, the accountability trap
  • A better approach to the concept of superiors and subordinates is the fact that teams can empower managers and leaders
  • Understanding delegation is not black and white, using the seven levels of delegation
  • How to set up a Delegation Board, also using the practice Delegation Poker
  • Understand that delegation is an investment in the future, the micromanagement trap

Values and Culture

  • What the impact of a culture can be, good or bad
  • The difference between espoused values and enacted values
  • How values can benefit your organization
  • How to define values and get different behaviors and results
  • What are culture books and how they relate to the espoused values of an organization
  • The benefits of storytelling to compare enacted values with the espoused values
  • How values can help you to change behavior in an organization, the do's and don'ts

Learning and Competencies

  • What is competence and how does it relate to teams
  • Five building blocks for learning and competencies: Individual competence, Helping Communication, Creative Tension and Team Competency structure
  • How to set up and use a Team Competency Matrix
  • What are the five components of individual competence development: lead by example, self-study, training and certification, coaching and learn by doing
  • Team Communication that supports a team to develop competencies: reducing distance, relevant documentation, rituals, listen/pay attention, non-violent communication and powerful questions
  • What is needed to help each other to grow competencies including four practices to support helping each other: peer learning, knowledge hours, exploration days, and lead by example
  • How does diversity in a team, including different roles, support learning in a team

Scaling Organizational Structure

  • The relationship between the value created by an organization and how the organization is organized
  • Why there is no perfect organizational design, how and why you need to find the balance
  • Advantages and disadvantages of organizations organized as network or hierarchy
  • Why and when you would choose for specialization or generalization of co-workers
  • When to focus on efficiency or effectiveness as an organization and their pros and cons
  • The advantages and disadvantages of centralization and decentralization in an organization.
  • Should an organization focus on exploitation or exploration
  • At least eleven organizational practices like double linking, big room planning, open allocation, and semi-stable teams
  • How to use the Meddlers Game to visualize and explore your organizational design

Success and Failure (Change and Experimentaion)

  • How Success and Failure relates to the view Improve Everything
  • When do people learn, do people learn from failure or success?
  • Which organization structures work best for running experiments and learning
  • A healthy balance between different organizational structures to support learning and using good practices
  • The importance of running experiments, and how running experiments is connected with learning
  • The celebration grid, how to relate behavior with the outcome, and how to use the grid in retrospectives and workshops
  • Which organization structures work best for repeating good practices and exploiting success
  • The importance of, and how to create, a safe-fail environment

What You Get:

  • Foundation Workshop Certificate of Attendance
  • PDFs of class material and digital boards

Who Should Attend:

  • Team Leads
  • Managers
  • Leadership
  • Agile Coaches
  • Scrum Masters
  • Project Managers

Live Session Requirements:

  • A quiet and comfortable place to be for the duration of the live class sessions
  • Be mindful of potential interruptions (e.g., children, pets, etc.).
  • Camera and microphone (there will be lots of interaction)
  • Reliable internet connectivity
  • Ability to access Microsoft Teams and Mural


  • Please participate in the live sessions as if you are there in person.
  • Please arrive on time and commit to full 100% class session attendance.
  • Please pay full attention and participate fully (with your camera on).
  • Your certificate is based on your attendance and participation during class time.

Instructor Info:

Ken Rickard and Juan Flores - National Agile Architects and Licensed Management 3.0 Facilitators

(Click our names above to view our Linkedin Profiles)

About Insight Digital Enablement:

Insight Digital Enablement is a global technology company committed to helping clients innovate smarter so they can create digital experiences that drive differentiation and loyalty. Our Agile transformation services team can help you adopt an Agile framework to improve how your organization delivers, develops, and approaches products and services.

For More Information:

If you have further questions or want to inquire about private and/or on-site classes, coaching, or group discounts, reach out to us at

This is past event!
Thank you for the registration. Your registration has been sent to Tasha Temple. Tasha will contact you soon to provide more info on payment and other formalities. For further questions regarding this workshop please contact Tasha directly

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