Management 3.0 Event by Daniel Terrin and Steven Wallace

Foundation Workshop

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This event has concluded. You might be interested in these upcoming events nearby:

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Palma, Spain
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20th - 22nd of November 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Barcelona, Spain
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27th - 28th of November 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Madrid, Spain
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13th - 16th of January 2025 - Agile Change Leadership Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Europe / Lisbon
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17th - 19th of February 2025 - Foundation Workshop
Porto, Portugal
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Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop (English)  

Start: 26th of October 2023 • 09:00
End: 27th of October 2023 • 18:00
Timezone: Europe / Madrid

Barcelona, Spain

Spoken language:

Materials language: English

Hours Total / Per Day:
16 / 8


We want to take advantage again of our relatively good level of English (Steven is showing some progress at last) and Barcelona being the perfect place to enjoy when autumn it's like a summer 2.0. We can help with the accommodation at the same hotel where the course is organised (Hotel Alimara Barcelona) if needed.

Why should I attend this course?

Would you like to work with such a team where people come to work energized and ready to take on everything that comes their way?

Management 3.0 provides the tools and practices, based on solid theoretical foundations, to allow you to help grow structures and align constraints. It’ll help you energize and empower the teams; give space to individual team members and the team as a whole to develop new competencies and finally, to improve everything.

What are you waiting for? Register yourself and we'll set up a short talk with you

What is the agenda and the content?

The course consists of 8 parts. The standard schedule is (from 09h to 18h) as follows:

  • The morning of the first day we will explore the concepts of Agile Management and Complexity Thinking. In the afternoon, we will start looking at the different views of the model, in particular we will look at how to Energize People and how to Empower Teams.
  • On the second day, we will spend most of our time going through the rest of the model covering how to Align Constraints, Develop Competence, Grow Structure and finally Improve Everything.

Depending on the attendance, we might vary the agenda or cover some topics more in depth.

What is the format?

Our trainings are based in two key factors: Learning by doing/teaching and Sharing with others. As a result, every training is a new experience for all of us.

Practice and teaching others is the most effective way of learning and our trainings are designed based on that. Be prepared to practice all the tools and learn by experiencing some of the concepts.

Sharing is the other critical factor and that is why we limit the number of people to 15 with a maximum of 3 people working for the same company. By adding specific slots to the agenda to share with others and discuss how to approach them using the new concepts introduced, we make sure experiences are shared.

And last but not least, we don't do much ppt's, so few options to fall asleep...but you'll have them after the course, no worries

What will I take with me afterwards?

The course is designed with the following outcomes in mind:

  • People using management tools & practices and explaining management from different perspective
  • People sharing experiences and discussing management styles and ideas on team creation and maintaining healthy teams


We expect all participants to learn and shared with others during the two days that is why coffee breaks, refreshments and lunch are included.

And if you prefer tangible things after the course you will have the Management 3.0 Accreditation, a set of Moving Motivators cards and a set of Delegation Poker cards. You might get an extra bonus in a form of Kudos from other participants to thank you for your contribution ;)

What are you waiting for? Register yourself and we'll set up a short talk with you

This is past event!
Thank you for the registration. Your registration has been sent to Daniel Terrin. Daniel will contact you soon to provide more info on payment and other formalities. For further questions regarding this workshop please contact Daniel directly

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