This event has concluded. You might be interested in these upcoming events by Paulino:
Online Workshop Timezone:
Asia / Hong Kong
Online Workshop Timezone:
Asia / Hong Kong
Management 3.0 Event by Paulino Kok
Shanghai, China
Spoken language:
Materials language: Chinese
Hours Total / Per Day:
8 / 8
Managing the system, not the people, is more important than ever in leadership. Transform your organization by combining best strategies and practices. You cannot make people feel motivated or engaged. What you can do is set up the right conditions. In this Agile People Leadership workshop you will look into how to create an organization that is future-ready, an organization that is based on a strong purpose which people can connect to. You will gain insights on what makes people tick and what difference emotionally intelligent leaders can make in your organization. You will discuss strategies on how to hire great people – and how to retain top talent with future-proof reward systems in place.
The Management 3.0 Agile People Leadership Workshop is one out of four official follow-up workshops. The aim of these workshops is to gain new perspectives and tools to broaden your impact in your organization, to support the Agile transformation as a leader and change agent. For a holistic learning experience also attend these workshops: Agile Team Leadership, Agile Co-Creation Leadership, Agile Change Leadership.
Topics Covered:
Practices Included:
Become a member of the Management 3.0 Community to see behind the scenes and learn how other practitioners apply its principles and practices in the real world.
The Management 3.0 Community is a safe space to learn and practice with others, learn how others have successfully applied Management 3.0 in their actual work contexts and get support to apply your learnings to your leadership challenges.