Management 3.0 Event by Hiroshi Watanabe

Foundation Workshop

This is past event!

This event has concluded. You might be interested in these upcoming events nearby:

9th - 10th of September 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Europe / Moscow
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9th - 19th of September 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Asia / Kolkata
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9th - 11th of September 2024 - Agile People Leadership Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
America / Sao Paulo
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10th - 26th of September 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
America / Bogota
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10th - 11th of September 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
America / Toronto
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Tuesday 10th of September 2024 - Collaborative Communication (leadership Builder Program)
Online Workshop Timezone:
Europe / Berlin
More info
11th - 13th of September 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
America / Recife
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Wednesday 11th of September 2024 - Intro to Management 3.0
Online Workshop Timezone:
America / Mexico City
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Thursday 12th of September 2024 - Instilling Wellbeing (leadership Builder Program)
Online Workshop Timezone:
Europe / Berlin
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Saturday 14th of September 2024 - Agile Team Leadership Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
America / Sao Paulo
More info

Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop  

Start: 26th of February 2024 • 09:00
End: 27th of February 2024 • 18:00
Timezone: Asia / Tokyo

Online Workshop Timezone:
Asia / Tokyo

Spoken language:

Materials language: Japanese

Hours Total / Per Day:
16 / 8


世界中で10万人以上が受講し、Forbesで[より良い技術リーダーになるための10のリソース]の1つとして紹介され 2022年に出版された日本語訳の書籍が[ITエンジニア本大賞2023ビジネス書部門ベスト10]にも選出された、アジャイルリーダーシップトレーニング【Management 3.0】の標準編である【Foundation Workshop】の個人向け開催です。

1日8時間 *2日間の計16時間で、Management 3.0の理解と実践が可能になります。


This is past event!
Thank you for the registration. Your registration has been sent to Hiroshi Watanabe. Hiroshi will contact you soon to provide more info on payment and other formalities. For further questions regarding this workshop please contact Hiroshi directly

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