Management 3.0 Event by Paulino Kok

Agile Team Leadership Workshop

This is past event!

This event has concluded. You might be interested in these upcoming events by Paulino:

5th - 6th of November 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Asia / Hong Kong
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Saturday 9th of November 2024 - Agile Team Leadership Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Asia / Hong Kong
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Sunday 10th of November 2024 - Agile People Leadership Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Asia / Hong Kong
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10th - 11th of December 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Asia / Hong Kong
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Saturday 14th of December 2024 - Agile Change Leadership Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Asia / Hong Kong
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Sunday 15th of December 2024 - Agile Co-Creation Leadership Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Asia / Hong Kong
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Agile Team Leadership Workshop  

Saturday 14th of September 2024 • 09:00
Timezone: Asia / Hong Kong
Sold Out!

Online Workshop Timezone:
Asia / Hong Kong

Spoken language:

Materials language: Chinese

Hours Total / Per Day:
8 / 8


What does it take to build a high-performing team? With Agile Team Leadership workshop, which is a follow-up to the Management 3.0 Foundation workshop, you will be enabled to better serve your team as a leader, set up the right conditions for self-organization, and foster growth for both the team members and the team as a whole.

You will be introduced to a wide range of hands-on tools and practices to experiment with your team: You will get to know the Team Decision Matrix for fostering team decision-making and techniques for giving and receiving better feedback based on trust, a crucial building block of high-performing teams. Furthermore, you will develop a plan to create more fun within your team – to make happiness at work the norm and not the exception.

The Management 3.0 Agile Team Leadership Workshop is one out of four official follow-up workshops. The aim of these workshops is to gain new perspectives and tools to broaden your impact in your organization, to support the Agile transformation as a leader and change agent. For a holistic learning experience also attend these workshops: Agile People Leadership, Agile Co-Creation Leadership, Agile Change Leadership.

Topics Covered:

  • Teams
    • What is in your experience the definition of a great team and have you experienced this yourself?
    • How do you measure the performance of a team and how does this relate to individual performance?
    • How much self-organization and self-steering is possible for a team within an organization, what is needed to achieve 100% self-organization?
  • Individuals and Interactions
    • Which practices stifle diversity and which encourage diversity in your organization.
    • How can you create a system where people can grow relationships between individuals, and increase interaction, without direct involvement of managers and leaders?
    • How can you grow trust between people in an organization?
  • Better Feedback
    • How does the culture in an organization affect giving and receiving feedback?
    • Why is it so hard sometimes to give feedback?
    • How do you support co-workers in creating an organization where it is normal to give feedback?
  • Worker Happiness
    • How can you create a system where worker happiness is a responsibility of everyone?
    • Does success lead to happiness or happiness to success?
    • How can you measure happiness?

Practices Included:

  • Diversity Index
  • Team Decision Matrix
  • 12 Steps to Happiness
  • Personal Maps
  • 360° Feedback Dinner
  • Feedback Wrap
  • Kudo Cards
  • Niko-Niko Calendar
  • Happiness Door.
This is past event!
Thank you for the registration. Your registration has been sent to Paulino Kok. Paulino will contact you soon to provide more info on payment and other formalities. For further questions regarding this workshop please contact Paulino directly

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