Management 3.0 Event by Hiriam Eduardo Perez Vidal

Intro to Management 3.0

This is past event!

This event has concluded. You might be interested in these upcoming events by Hiriam Eduardo:

Wednesday 25th of September 2024 - Intro to Management 3.0
Online Workshop Timezone:
America / Mexico City
More info
12th - 26th of October 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
America / Mexico City
More info
Saturday 26th of October 2024 - Okr Explorer
Online Workshop Timezone:
America / Mexico City
More info
Sunday 27th of October 2024 - Meaning and Purpose: Ikigai Explorer
Online Workshop Timezone:
America / Mexico City
More info
2nd - 3rd of November 2024 - Agile Team Leadership Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
America / Mexico City
More info
4th - 8th of November 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Europe / Madrid
More info
23rd - 24th of November 2024 - Agile People Leadership Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
America / Mexico City
More info
2nd - 6th of December 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Europe / Madrid
More info
14th - 15th of December 2024 - Agile Co-Creation Leadership Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
America / Mexico City
More info
28th - 29th of December 2024 - Agile Change Leadership Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
America / Mexico City
More info

Introducción a M30 y herramientas: Tarjetas de Colaboración y Canvas de Acuerdos de Equipo

Wednesday 11th of September 2024 • 10:00
Timezone: America / Mexico City

Online Workshop Timezone:
America / Mexico City

Spoken language:

Materials language: Spanish

Hours Total / Per Day:
1 / 1


¡Estás invitado a nuestro webinar gratuito de introducción a Management 3.0!

Descubre cómo revolucionar tu enfoque de liderazgo y gestión con prácticas ágiles que empoderan a tu equipo y mejoran los resultados.

Este evento es perfecto para líderes, gerentes y profesionales que desean transformar su organización con métodos innovadores y efectivos.

Aprenderemos dos herramientas para mejorar tu liderazgo:

✅ Tarjetas personales de colaboración

✅ Canvas para el acuerdo de equipos

Fecha y Hora:

🗓️ 11 de septiembre

🕙 10:00 Hrs México
11:00 Hrs Colombia, Ecuador, Perú
12:00 Hrs Venezuela
13:00 Hrs Argentina, Brasil, Uruguay
18:00 Hrs España

🌐 Registro:

No pierdas la oportunidad de experimentar un adelanto exclusivo de lo que Management 3.0 puede hacer por ti y tu equipo. ¡Te esperamos para una experiencia "wow"!

This is past event!
Thank you for the registration. Your registration has been sent to Hiriam Eduardo Perez Vidal. Hiriam Eduardo will contact you soon to provide more info on payment and other formalities. For further questions regarding this workshop please contact Hiriam Eduardo directly

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Become a member of the Management 3.0 Community to see behind the scenes and learn how other practitioners apply its principles and practices in the real world.

The Management 3.0 Community is a safe space to learn and practice with others, learn how others have successfully applied Management 3.0 in their actual work contexts and get support to apply your learnings to your leadership challenges.

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