Online Workshop Timezone:
America / Toronto
Spoken language:
Materials language: English
Hours Total / Per Day:
16 / 8
Management 3.0
Management 3.0 offers a better understanding of leadership and concrete tools to meet managers’ challenges.
The science of complexity and systemic thinking is the cornerstone of the agile mentality. You will study the feedback loops, the theory of complexity, how to think about the system, the difference between complex and complicated, and the seven distortions we often recognize in traditional linear thought.
People are the most important in an organization. Managers must do everything possible for people to remain active, creative and motivated. You will learn the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, the ten innate desires and standard techniques allowing you to understand what is essential for the people who make up your teams (e.g. individual meetings, personality assessments, 12 most important questions and 360-degree feedback meetings).
The teams can self-organize. However, to do this, management must give them powers and trust them. You will learn how to make self-organization work well, how to distribute powers in an organization, the challenges related to empowerment, how to strengthen relationships of trust, and several techniques for distributing control, such as the seven levels of delegation and the delegation tables of powers.
Self-organization can lead to anything and anything. Therefore, it is necessary to protect people and shared resources and to give them a specific purpose and well-defined objectives. You will learn when to manage and conduct, how to use different criteria to set practical goals, the challenges concerning objectives management and how to protect people and shared resources from the harmful effects of self-organization.
The teams can only achieve their objectives if their members are up to par. Consequently, directors must contribute to the development of skills. You will learn the levels of competence and discipline, how and when to apply the seven approaches to skills development, how to measure advancement in a complex system, the effects of sub-optimization, and tips and tricks to have measures for helpful performance.
Many teams work in complex organizations. It is, therefore, essential to have structures to improve communication. You will learn how to allow the growth of an organizational structure as a fractal, how to achieve a balance between specialization and generalization, how to choose between functional and inter-functional teams, informal leadership and the widening of job names and also Treatment of teams as value units in a value network.
People, teams and organizations must improve continuously to repel failure as long as possible. In practice, this means that team leaders and directors must act as change agents trying to change the complex social structures surrounding them. You will learn the four facets of change management approaching the system: people, interactions and the system border.
What you will learn:
- What is the theory of complexity
- The difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
- How to make self-organization work well
- When to manage and when to conduct and how to use different criteria to set valuable goals
- Levels of competence and discipline
- How to allow the growth of an organizational structure as a fractal
- The four facets of change management approaching the system, individuals, interactions and the system border
Online workshop bonus:
The online workshop led by an experienced 3.0 management facilitator contains the most valuable practices and modules linked to remote leadership.
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