HELLO, my name is Thiago Brant
- Lives in Campinas, SP, Brazil
- Speaks Portuguese and English
- Holds events in Brazil, Angola and Portugal
- Works for Agile People Brasil, Agilers and unFIX Brasil
- Years as a Facilitator: 5
- Number of events held: 297
Past Attendee Ratings
Last 12 months: 9.6 / 10.0 (Based on 115 evaluations)
Last 12 months: 9.7 / 10.0 (Based on 65 evaluations)
Past Attendee Feedback
Short Bio
Versão em Português
(English version below)
Eu sou um Agile People Coach que ajuda líderes e gestores a engajar seus colaboradores e negócios extraindo o melhor dos métodos e frameworks disponíveis no mercado.
Segundo o último “The Business Agility Report”, os maiores desafios hoje das organizações são:
- Resistência à mudança e gestão da mudança
- Capacidades de liderança e gestão
- Práticas e processos inadequados
E sabemos que as melhores práticas emergem de reflexão sobre os métodos de trabalho atuais para melhoria e adaptação.
Eu utilizo minha experiência aplicando a mentalidade unFIX, Management 3.0 e Agile People em conjunto com Método Kanban, Scrum, SAFe e outros frameworks para auxiliar gestores a criarem seus próprios métodos de trabalho para gerar resultados em um ambiente saudável.
Conheça mais sobre meu trabalho neste ebook que escrevi sobre como melhorar a Experiência do Colaborador (EX) com o uso de práticas do Management 3.0.
Workshop unFIX Foundation co-facilitado com Jurgen Appelo em Julho 2023
Veja algumas contribuições que já fiz ao tema, e alguns você pode ver ou ouvir através dos links disponíveis!
(See some contributions I've made to the topic, and some you can see or hear using the links provided!)
Como palestrante (As a speaker):
- TDC Florianópolis 2023: Os 25 Motivadores Humanos - Como é a evolução do Moving Motivators
- Cloud Conference Day 2023: Tipos de Base (como o unFIX se conecta ao SAFe?)
- Caipira Ágil 2023: Management 3.0 não é sobre bonequinhos / joguinhos e eu posso provar
- Agile Trends 2023: Workshop Trabalhando com Métodos de Decisão com unFIX
- Scrum Gathering Rio 2023: Design de Organizações Versáteis com o Modelo unFIX
- Scrum Day Brazil 2022: Bases e Crews? Como o unFIX Model pode ajudar a desenhar equipes e trabalhar carreira
- TDC Business São Paulo 2022: Dynamic Reteaming: A Arte e a Sabedoria de Mudar Equipes
- TDC Business São Paulo 2022: Agile Coach agnóstico: voltando as raízes de realmente ser um Coach em agilidade
- TDC Innovation Florianópolis 2022: Gestão de Performance com Improvement Dialogue Cards
- TDC Connections 2022: unFIX Model: Uma abordagem organizacional para Business Agility
- TDC Connections 2022: SWAN - Forças, Fraquezas, Ambições e Necessidades na construção de um plano de carreira
- TDC Innovation 2021: Príncipios Lean-Agile na Inovação
- TDC Innovation 2021: Vórtex da Inovação
- TDC Innovation 2021: Diversidade, segurança psicológica e conflitos nas equipes
- TDC Innovation 2021: Criando condições para a mudança
- TDC São Paulo 2020: Diversity Index (Índice de Diversidade)
- TDC POA 2020: Servir X Facilitar - Qual é a do líder do futuro?
- TDC Recife 2020: O papel estratégico da liderança na criação de times diversos
Veja outros materiais nessa playlist especial! Aproveite para assinar o canal da Agilers.
Como escritor (As a writer):
- Jornada Ágil de Liderança - Capítulo de Inteligência Emocional
- Jornada da Facilitação - Prefácio e capítulos de Retrospectiva e Facilitação de Grandes Grupos
- Jornada RH Ágil - Prefácio
Como trainer (As a trainer):
- Tradução da Agile People para português
- Tradução do unFIX para português
- Tradução do Shiftup para português
- Conversa Ágil: Humanizando a liderança com Management 3.0
- JornadaCast 47 - Relação entre Management 3.0 X Agilidade
- Podcast Mínimo Viável: #25 Remuneração Ágil (veja também em vídeo)
- Podcast Mínimo Viável: #24 Remuneração Ágil
- Podcast Mínimo Viável: #21 Remuneração Ágil
- Pipoca Ágil: #269 Management 3.0 - Engajamento e Motivação
English version
(versão em portuguës acima)
I am an Agile People Coach who helps leaders and managers engage their employees and businesses by using the best methods and frameworks available on the market.
According to the latest “The Business Agility Report,” the biggest challenges facing organizations today are:
- Resistance to change and change management
- Leadership and management capabilities
- Unsuitable practices and processes
And we know that best practices emerge from reflection on current working methods for improvement and adaptation.
I use my experience applying the unFIX, Management 3.0, and Agile People mindset, together with the Kanban Method, Scrum, SAFe, and other frameworks, to help managers create their own work methods to generate results in a healthy environment.
Learn more about my work in this ebook on improving Employee Experience (EX) using Management 3.0 practices.
Thiago has contributed to the Management 3.0 Blog
What Is A Customer-Centric Approach? Customer Centricity Explained
Exploring the transformative impact of customer-centricity in business: How can Agile principles and SAFe enhance customer experiences across functions? What role does collaborative innovation play in fostering customer satisfaction and loyalty? How does Management 3.0 contribute to embedding customer-centric thinking in organizational culture? These questions underscore the ongoing evolution towards prioritizing customer needs and driving organizational change.
Read moreBusiness Agility Explained
There is no doubt that companies need to consider Business Agility. The significant challenge is understanding how not to waste resources on unsuccessful transformations, which often reduce Agility instead of increasing it. Much focus has been given to adopting squads as a path to organizational Agility, but we know this is not the leading solution.
Read moreBuilding an Agile Culture: HR’s Role in Creating a Supportive Environment
Amid fast-changing business landscapes, Agility fuels success. HR's vital role in building an Agile culture involves nurturing a supportive environment, driving cultural transformation, and enabling lasting change for innovation and growth.
Read moreCollaborative Leadership explained
What does Collaborative Leadership mean and how you as a leader can leverage that concept? Learn about the ins and out and test yourself if you are a Collaborative Leader.
Read moreEnhancing the Employee Experience with Management 3.0
Employee Experience, what is it, and why is it important? Best Practices on EX design and hands-on examples for creating your journey. An article by Thiago Brant
Read moreMindful Leadership: How to be a mindful leader
Much has been said about mindfulness and increasingly more is being said about mindful leadership, mindfulness in business, or just mindfulness at work. But why is this so relevant, and how can we develop it, if at all? A guide on how to be a mindful leader by Management 3.0 Facilitator Thiago Brant.
Read moreHow to be more Resilient: 3 Tips for Enhancing your Resilience
Build your resilience: Resilience 101 by Management 3.0 Facilitator Thiago Brant, who holds regular workshops on Agility in HR as well as Emotional Intelligence. Quick links What does resilience mean?Why is resilience important in business?Why is resilience necessary as a leader?Can resilience be learned and developed?The 7 Cs of Resilience What does resilience mean? According...
Read moreAgile HR: Why Companies Need their HR to be Agile
by Management 3.0 Facilitator, Thiago Brant who is one of our Agile HR facilitators I’ve noticed that the term Agile HR is used increasingly in the media lately. As more and more courses on the topic emerge, many companies are in search of Agile HR. But what exactly does this mean? In this article, I...
Read moreWhy The Diversity Index tool Works
by Thiago Brant, a Management 3.0 Facilitator Management 3.0’s new Diversity Index is one more tool that applies the spirit of this model, which brings a collection of games, tools and practices that are always evolving to help any professional manage an organization. Today I’ll share a bit about this aspect commenting on the different...
Read moreWhat I learned From Management 3.0’s Fabulous Virtual Webinars
by Thiago Brant a Management 3.0 Facilitator Last week I had the immense pleasure of watching Management 3.0 Forward webinars and the aftermath was incredible. It was amazing to check out the experiences of fellow facilitators from all over the world, and to learn many unusual, yet effective ways to apply Management 3.0 concepts and...
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