HELLO, my name is Jens Thiemann
- Lives in Dortmund, Germany
- Speaks English and German
- Holds events in Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, France, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Estonia
- Years as a Facilitator: 2
- Number of events held: 4
Past Attendee Ratings
Last 12 months: 9.0 / 10.0 (Based on 3 evaluations)
Past Attendee Feedback
Short Bio
(Deutsche Fassung nachstehend)
I help managers and leaders to use simple, everyday methods to build trust and improve their teams and organizations.
With more than twenty-five years of experience in various leadership positions and company settings, I help organizations create structures and environments that simplify processes and bring people together, inspiring and empowering them – personally and as a team.
Ever since I started my first company while studying computer science, I have been driven by developing and building people and organizations.
I firmly believe that employees are more important than customers. Because in my opinion, good and motivated employees lead to loyal customers. That's why the values of respect, fairness and transparency are important to me and why I am intensively involved with agile methods and management 3.0.
My practical know-how is based on both technical and disciplinary leadership of individual teams up to business units with over a hundred employees. After my degree in computer science, I founded three IT companies and worked self-employed and employed. In SMBs with flat hierarchies and in an international matrix organized enterprise.
During this time, I have advised and supported more than 100 clients, such as Audi, LR Health & Beauty, Zwilling, Melitta and Viessmann.
That's why Management 3.0 …
My goal is to create structures and environments that simplify processes and bring people together – inspire and strengthen them. Management 3.0 fits to this mindset and offers easy to use practices. That’s why I joined as an active facilitator and as a founding member of Management 3.0 community.
I'm convinced by the concrete approach of using leadership and complexity thinking as a basis for defining the role of leadership in modern organizations. Precisely from the implementations (and humor) of Jurgen Appelo, with which he created Management 3.0.
… is important to you!
In my workshops, I will not only teach the growth mindset and practices, but also the way to get there, so that you can immediately apply what you have learned.
Book a workshop
Schedule a call: thiemann.com/meeting/
Website: thiemann.com
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jens-thiemann/
(English version before)
Ich helfe Managern und Führungskräften, mit leichtgewichtigen, alltagstauglichen Methoden Vertrauen aufzubauen und ihre Teams und Organisationen zu verbessern.
Mit mehr als fünfundzwanzig Jahren Erfahrung in verschiedenen Führungspositionen und Unternehmen helfe ich Organisationen, Strukturen zu schaffen, die Prozesse vereinfachen und Umgebungen aufzubauen, die Menschen und Teams zusammenbringen, inspirieren und stärken.
Seit ich während meines Informatik-Studiums mein erstes Unternehmen gegründet habe, treibt mich der Aufbau und die Weiterentwicklung von Menschen und Organisationen an.
Ich glaube fest daran, dass Mitarbeiter wichtiger sind als Kunden. Denn meiner Meinung nach führen gute und motivierte Mitarbeiter zu loyalen Kunden. Deshalb sind mir die Werte Respekt, Fairness und Transparenz wichtig und ich beschäftige mich intensiv mit agilen Methoden und Management 3.0.
Mein praktisches Know-how basiert auf der fachlichen und disziplinarischen Leitung von einzelnen Teams bis hin zu Geschäftseinheiten mit über hundert Mitarbeitern. Nach meinem Studium der Informatik habe ich drei IT-Unternehmen gegründet und war selbständig und angestellt tätig. In mittelständischen Unternehmen mit flachen Hierarchien und in einem internationalen, matrixförmig organisierten Konzernen.
In dieser Zeit habe ich mehr als 100 Kunden beraten und betreut, darunter Audi, LR Health & Beauty, Zwilling, Melitta und Viessmann.
Darum Management 3.0 …
Mein Ziel ist es, Strukturen und Umgebungen zu schaffen, die Prozesse vereinfachen und Menschen zusammenbringen - sie inspirieren und stärken. Management 3.0 passt zu dieser Denkweise und bietet einfach zu handhabende Praktiken. Deshalb engagiere ich mich als aktiver Facilitator und als Gründungsmitglied der Management 3.0 Community.
Ich bin von dem konkreten Ansatz, Führung und Komplexitätsdenken als Grundlage für die Definition der Rolle von Führung in modernen Organisationen zu nutzen überzeugt. Also den Umsetzungen (und dem Humor) von Jurgen Appelo, mit denen er Management 3.0 geschaffen hat.
… wichtig für Dich ist!
In meinen Workshops vermittle ich nicht nur das Growth Mindset und Praktiken, sondern auch den Weg dorthin, damit Sie das Gelernte sofort anwenden können.
Buche einen Workshop
Gespräch vereinbaren: thiemann.com/treffen/
Website: thiemann.com
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jens-thiemann/
Jens has contributed to the Management 3.0 Blog
Continuous Improvement In The Workplace Explained
Many companies aim to "become agile" to reduce bureaucracy and make faster, better decisions. However, they mistakenly see agility as a fixed goal and implement it like a traditional project with detailed planning and timelines. True agility means continuously adapting and improving to respond to the unknown, not reaching a static state. Companies should focus on organizing for continuous adaptation and improvement.
Read moreDrama Triangle Explained
The Drama Triangle is a concept describing unhealthy interpersonal dynamics with three roles: Victim, Persecutor, and Rescuer. In leadership, these roles can hinder team collaboration and growth. Leaders must recognize the Drama Triangle's importance to prevent conflicts, micromanagement, and burnout. Here is how:
Read moreTips for New Managers
As a new manager, you are about to embark on a challenging and rewarding journey that will shape your career. Whether you feel excited or a little overwhelmed, this article is here to provide you with essential tips and guidance to help you navigate the responsibilities and expectations that come with your new position.
Read moreLeading Distributed Agile Teams
Distributed teams are teams whose members do not all work in the same location. But this is not it: A truly distributed team only exists when there is no center, or centers, of work. Stefan Mintert and Jens Thiemann explain, what distributed teams and their challenges are and how to lead distributed agile teams to high-performance.
Read more