Some companies call them HERO awards, others Rippas or Hugs, we call them Kudos. It is a written and public recognition of a colleague for something she has contributed to the team.

A Kudo is not just given from the top down, but peer-to-peer and bottom-up. Across departments and organizations, anyone can recognize someone else’s work. It’s a way to break down hierarchical limitations and to encourage everyone to offer instant positive feedback.
Kudo Cards are simple cards that play the role of a physical token of appreciation. The cards can be placed in a box, and every now and then the Kudo Box is emptied and the workers celebrate those who had received a card. Maybe once per day, or once per week, the implementations vary across organizations.
Incentives ensure that people stop doing things just for the joy of the work, but rewards that trigger intrinsic motivation are more effective, most sustainable, and usually cost less money.