Management 3.0 Event by Christoph Kruppa

Foundation Workshop

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This event has concluded. You might be interested in these upcoming events nearby:

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Online Workshop Timezone:
Asia / Hong Kong
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20th - 21st of August 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Asia / Hong Kong
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Saturday 14th of September 2024 - Agile Team Leadership Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Asia / Hong Kong
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Sunday 15th of September 2024 - Agile People Leadership Workshop
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Asia / Hong Kong
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24th - 25th of September 2024 - Foundation Workshop
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Asia / Hong Kong
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Sunday 13th of October 2024 - Agile Co-Creation Leadership Workshop
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Asia / Hong Kong
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22nd - 23rd of October 2024 - Foundation Workshop
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Asia / Hong Kong
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Saturday 9th of November 2024 - Agile Team Leadership Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Asia / Hong Kong
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Sunday 10th of November 2024 - Agile People Leadership Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Asia / Hong Kong
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Saturday 14th of December 2024 - Agile Change Leadership Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Asia / Hong Kong
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Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop  

Start: 1st of December 2022 • 09:00
End: 2nd of December 2022 • 17:00
Timezone: Pacific / Pago Pago

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Spoken language:

Materials language: English

Hours Total / Per Day:
16 / 8


Leaders and Managers describe Empowerment, Engagement and Motivated team members as one of their top priorities. Individuals are more engaged and empowered, if they are self-organized. Too often, Management in an organization is focused on managing the individuals. That approach leads to an individual relationship and rarely develops into a team-based cooperation. THerefore, Managers should focus more on the system, not on the individuals. Sounds scary? No worries, we will address all of this in this Management 3.0 Foundations Training.

The Management 3.0 Practices are about teams as diverse systems to respond to the complex environment companies are in. We will explore practices and connect those practices with our challenges so that all participants go back to the office with some solution ideas. With the access to our growing community, the participants can also share their challenges, ideas and how they do things with other participants of our trainings.

This is past event!
Thank you for the registration. Your registration has been sent to Christoph Kruppa. Christoph will contact you soon to provide more info on payment and other formalities. For further questions regarding this workshop please contact Christoph directly

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