Creativity and problem solving are the most crucial leadership skills for success in the 21st century. Like many things human, however, creativity and problem solving are not easily or consistently defined. In creative thinking we work to generate as many as unique ideas to solve a problem.
But what according to you is thinking out of the box? Is it knowing that we are in a box and then consciously breaking that box to think differently? What happens in those situations?
Aren't we sometimes prisoners of our own habits and comfort zone? We seldom challenge our thought process and long held beliefs. And this is exactly what is required to think out of the box.
Now, how do we do that? Join this workshop to learn in details :)
What will you learn?
- Does every team in your organization need to be creative and innovative?
- Can you grow innovation and creativity by sharing more with the world, or is this a contradiction?
- Explore the characteristics of creative people
- Seven rules for managing creativity: nurture diversity, create markets, rely on merits, no predictions, update the workplace, change constraints, open boundaries
- How to deal with an unknown future to encourage creativity?
- Critical and creative thinking functions
- The most common creative thinking blocks
- How block busting is a conscious effort?
- Meet the best blockbusting techniques
- Unlocking your creativity and innovation at work
- Brainstorming and 6 thinking hats exercises
- The value of exploration days and how to set them up.
- Reflect on your own traits to think out of the box
- Develop strategies to apply creative thinking techniques

Date and time
April 13th 2023, 18.00-19.30 CEST – Thinking out of the box
Training delivery
Our training is designed by the training from the back of the room model, using research-backed brain-based adult learning techniques. This highly interactive and engaging workshop will be delivered on Zoom and as tool for group interaction we'll use Miro board. We'll engage in creative team assignments and discussions to learn by doing, and we'll explore several creativity tools.

The training will be delivered by Ilija Popjanev, M3.0 Facilitator, ICAgile Instructor, business executive with 20+ years experience in global organizations as General motors, Opel, Good Year, British Petrol... Check participants testimonials! You can also watch 5 min feedback video from workshop participants.

What do you get?
As an attendee of the “Thinking out of the box” workshop, you will receive certificate from Management 3.0 and your personal profile with badge, shared on LinkedIn.
You will receive a participants guide and Management 3.0 tools in printable version and also digital version (Miro & Jamboard) to practice with your team.
The training is designed on several bestselling books related to psychological safety and for some of them you’ll receive the summaries and key points.

Training investment
The training investment includes workshop delivery, certificate and badge, several free to use tools, participants guide, e-books, access to e-learning platform and 24/7 online support and coaching upon finishing the event.
The early bird price is 129 euro valid until March 19th. The regular price is 199 euro.
This course in also offered in bundle with Psychological safety and OKR Fundamentals for 259 euro in total for the 3 courses! The offer is limited for registrations until April 7th!
If your company is paying in your behalf, please write the company name and address in the comment field. If you're paying by yourself, please write your name, surname and living address and I'll send you an invite link for online payment with credit card, pay pal, stripe...
Ask for proposal for inhouse corporate event or group of more then 8 people! The organizer can postpone the event if less than 4 people register.
You can reach me for more info at: ilco@cms.com.mk; ilija.popjanev.mk@gmail.com +38970206383 What's up
Looking forward meeting you at this amazing event.
Take care, ilija