Management 3.0 Event by Carol Amaya

Other Workshop

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This event has concluded. You might be interested in these upcoming events nearby:

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Online Workshop Timezone:
America / Sao Paulo
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Sunday 28th of July 2024 - Okr Explorer
Online Workshop Timezone:
Europe / Madrid
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Sunday 28th of July 2024 - Meaning and Purpose: Ikigai Explorer Workshop
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Europe / Madrid
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Monday 29th of July 2024 - Agile Co-Creation Leadership Workshop
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Europe / Berlin
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29th of July - 1st of August 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
America / Sao Paulo
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Tuesday 30th of July 2024 - Intro to Management 3.0
Online Workshop Timezone:
Asia / Tokyo
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30th of July - 15th of August 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
America / Mexico City
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Wednesday 31st of July 2024 - Intro to Management 3.0
Online Workshop Timezone:
America / Montevideo
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3rd - 4th of August 2024 - Agile People Leadership Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
America / Mexico City
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Monday 5th of August 2024 - Intro to Management 3.0
Online Workshop Timezone:
Asia / Tokyo
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Integración Exitosa: Taller de Onboarding Práctico y efectivo

Saturday 17th of February 2024 • 08:00
Timezone: America / El Salvador
Sold Out!

Online Workshop Timezone:
America / El Salvador

Spoken language:

Materials language: Spanish

Hours Total / Per Day:
1 / 1


Taller de Onboarding Práctico y efectivo

Es un workshop 4 horas, enfocado en dos cosas:

Conocer la propuesta del paso a paso para crear el plan de incorporación de una persona a tu equipo, negocio o empresa y la 2da aprenderemos las herramientas para llevarlo a la practica

Próxima edición: 03 febrero 08:00 am MX/SV

Incluye diploma de participacion y certificacion oficial de Management 3.0

Precio Regular $99 USD Si te anotas a la lista de espera tendras un precio especial de $59 USD

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Asegura tu Plaza!

This is past event!
Thank you for the registration. Your registration has been sent to Carol Amaya. Carol will contact you soon to provide more info on payment and other formalities. For further questions regarding this workshop please contact Carol directly

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