Online Workshop Timezone:
Asia / Hong Kong
Spoken language:
Materials language: English
Hours Total / Per Day:
16 / 8
Management 3.0 is the future of management that means doing the right thing for your team, including everyone in improving the system and fostering employee engagement with the right environment around to enable this.
Enhance your skills working with people. Become a better leader for those working in your company and provide greater support in the agile culture.
Management 3.0 examines how to analyze that system to come up with the right solutions for better leadership across organizations.
Topics covered:
- Management Leadership
- Complexity Thinking
- Complex Adaptive System
- Compleyity Thinking Guidelines
- Not to Control, Options to Guide
- Motivation and Engagement
- Motivated<>Engaged
- Extrinsic vs Intrinsic Motivation
- CHAMPFROGS motivator
- Engage for Productivity
- Delegation and Empowerment
- Empowerment = distributed control
- Values and Culture
- Learning and Competency
- Team competency structure
- Scaling organizational structure
- Achieve structural balance
- Hierarchies vs Networks
- Success and Failure
Ticket prices
8829 HKD (Taxes included)
Offer ends on Saturday 21st of December 2024
Discount 10%
7946 HKD (Taxes included)
Offer ends on Saturday 14th of December 2024
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