This event has concluded. You might be interested in these upcoming events nearby:
Belgrade, Serbia
Management 3.0 Event by Josip Bosnjakovic
Braće Ribnikar 56, Novi Sad, Serbia
Spoken language:
Materials language: English
Hours Total / Per Day:
16 / 8
Radionica Management 3.0 kombinuje teorijska i praktična znanja iz agilnog liderstva sa značajnim fokusom na alatima koje možeš da primeniš odmah nakon radionice.
Prvobitno je osmišljena za timove koji se bave razvojem softvera, međutim, danas može da se primeni za sve vrste timova u različitim tipovima kompanija.
Ova radionica je za tebe ukoliko želiš da:
Ova dvodnevna radionica pokriva uvodnu temu "Agile Management and Complexity Thinking" i ceo model Management-a 3.0: Energize people, Empower teams, Align constraints, Develop competence, Grow structure, Improve everything.
Become a member of the Management 3.0 Community to see behind the scenes and learn how other practitioners apply its principles and practices in the real world.
The Management 3.0 Community is a safe space to learn and practice with others, learn how others have successfully applied Management 3.0 in their actual work contexts and get support to apply your learnings to your leadership challenges.