Social interactions need space and prompts

Feedback Lottery

Feedback should be an integral part of your team’s day-to-day collaboration! You need a feedback culture! But how to establish one? How do you get your team to remember to give each other feedback?

Feedback Lottery (Icon)

By creating opportunities and giving prompts, feedback becomes a regular and fun part of your team culture. You can do this by entering the feedback lottery! A simple but effective practice:

How the Feedback Lottery works

Each month, all team members get randomly paired and invited to schedule a quick 15-minute meet-up. In this meet-up, they are encouraged to provide insights about how they perceive each other’s work and actions in the team.

Get the conversation started with some prompts:

  • How do you see me contributing to the team?
  • Looking at where our company and team are standing right now regarding challenges and goals – what should I do more of/ differently to drive things forward?
  • For you personally – what do you enjoy and what irritates you in our interaction and collaboration?
  • Use the Management 3.0 Improv Cards: which card symbolizes your feedback partner and why? Let the tool randomly provide a card and describe what kind of associations come up in your mind about the other person.

After each meet-up, the team members can share one lesson learned or intention from the conversation with the rest of the team.

Make feedback fun:

Let people take a selfie and post it in the feedback channel of your instant messaging system. This can be a contest in which the selfie with the most reactions wins.

On the right side we share some impressions of Feedback Lottery calls the Management 3.0 team members had in the past.

Feedback Lottery - Management 3.0 Team
Feedback Lottery – Management 3.0 Team

Benefits of using the Feedback Lottery

  • Feedback becomes a regular part of team culture
  • Inspire conversations
  • Grow personally
  • Improve team spirit and collaboration
  • Reflect on what the company needs from each individual

How to implement a Feedback Lottery

If you use Slack, the easiest way is to use an add-on such as “Donut” for it, that randomly picks the feedback pairs and sends reminders. It also creates an extra channel and facilitates the selfie contest.

You can also use a Miro Board that shows each pair for the month and holds a space for the questions you want to discuss or host the pictures you wish to submit for the selfie contest.

Feedback Lottery Donut-Friends

It does not matter how you put this into practice as long as you have a regular time frame in which the groups are supposed to meet and select the people randomly each month. You can also do this with pieces of paper that everyone draws. The meeting can be in-person or via video call, whatever is more feasible for your team.

Why not just use the Feedback Wrap?

The Feedback Wrap can be nicely integrated into the practice, but the idea behind the wrap is usually to use it in the moment, or shortly after something comes up. On the other hand, the feedback lottery is a continuous process in the team and is not connected to any specific event or incident.

Learn how to use the Feedback Lottery

The Feedback Lottery practice is part of the Remote & Hybrid Collaboration Module and is therefore introduced in the Agile Co-Creation Leadership Workshop.

Certified Management 3.0 Agile Co-Creation Leadership Workshop Attendee