Management 3.0 Event by Christophe Pirnay and Xavier Collette

Foundation Workshop

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This event has concluded. You might be interested in these upcoming events nearby:

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Online Workshop Timezone:
Europe / Berlin
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Berlin, Germany
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Online Workshop Timezone:
Europe / Berlin
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2nd - 3rd of September 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Köln, Germany
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2nd - 23rd of September 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Europe / Berlin
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5th - 6th of September 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Hamburg, Germany
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9th - 10th of September 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
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10th - 13th of September 2024 - Foundation Workshop
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Europe / Berlin
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16th - 18th of September 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Berlin, Germany
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19th - 20th of September 2024 - Foundation Workshop
Online Workshop Timezone:
Europe / Berlin
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Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop  

Start: 30th of January 2023 • 09:00
End: 31st of January 2023 • 18:00
Timezone: Europe / Brussels
Sold Out!

Bruxelles, Belgium

Spoken language:

Materials language: English

Hours Total / Per Day:
16 / 8



Lors de cette formation de 2 jours, vous découvrirez ce qu'est le Management 3.0 avec ses outils et pratiques concrètes.

Co-animée par Xavier Collette et Christophe Pirnay, cette formation alterne les concepts théoriques et la pratique en sous-groupe afin de maximiser votre apprentissage. Vous y découvrirez comment agir sur votre environnement et sortirez de ces 2 jours avec une panoplie de techniques et concepts à appliquer dès le lendemain

Cette formation "Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop" sera dispensée en Français et en présentiel à Bruxelles

Objectifs de la formation :

Chaque "Foundation Workshop" couvre les six axes suivants plus les fondamentaux du Management & Leadership.

Pour plus d'information sur cette formation officielle et certifiante, c'est par ici:

On se réjouit de partager ces 2 journées avec vous.

Xavier et Christophe

This is past event!
Thank you for the registration. Your registration has been sent to Christophe Pirnay. Christophe will contact you soon to provide more info on payment and other formalities. For further questions regarding this workshop please contact Christophe directly

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Become a member of the Management 3.0 Community to see behind the scenes and learn how other practitioners apply its principles and practices in the real world.

The Management 3.0 Community is a safe space to learn and practice with others, learn how others have successfully applied Management 3.0 in their actual work contexts and get support to apply your learnings to your leadership challenges.

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