The “Agile Transformation” team at Bosch Power Tools is scaling agile methodology throughout the division. In a world with increasingly shorter innovation cycles and fast-changing requirements, we realized we had to tackle the challenges that globalization, digitalization and connectivity bring.
For our transformation we defined five dimensions of agility:
- Leadership
- Collaboration
- Organization
- Process & Methods
- Strategy
We have a central project team of agile transformation which involves six persons. Furthermore each of our Business Units have one or two Product Owners for the agile transformation in the Units. We are transforming at the moment four business units, and one — home and garden — is already transformed. Moreover each business unit has a cross-functional transition team. Still there is more to it than that – every associate should be involved in an agile transformation.
We chose to use Management 3.0 in supporting us scaling agile. Some teams are also using Scrumban. And we are working with sprints of two to three weeks and have a stand-up meeting for 30 minutes daily. If we plan our upcoming sprint, we always do a retrospective before to see what went well, what can be improved, and how to improve it.

Management 3.0 influences each of these activities and has a large physical — and colorful! — presence around our office.
Why Management 3.0?
We believe that Management 3.0 is the future of management. Management is not just the responsibility of the manager, it is the responsibility of the team. We believe that we can achieve increased productivity and innovation by giving our team members more autonomy and by implementing cross-functional teams. Everyone has a role in transforming Bosch Power Tools. Target is to become a great place to work, where employees are satisfied, engaged and not slowed down by a command and control hierarchy.