Management 3.0 is not only a workshop, it’s an experience. All around the world – from Tokyo to Paris, from Sao Paulo to Brisbane – licensed facilitators are working towards the goal of redefining leadership to create happier people and successful organizations.
450+ Management 3.0 Facilitators hold workshops around the world. Our extremely interactive Foundation Workshops, ICAgile-accredited Agility in HR workshop or our Agile Leadership Workshops will help you take it up a notch in leadership. The workshops teach you how to use the popular Management 3.0 games and how to bring more motivation, empowerment, innovation, productivity, and happiness to your work environment.

Join us as we redefine management & leadership
Join us at Forward, Management 3.0’s conference focused on redefining global management & leadership! Let’s come together and grow. Let’s connect with like-minded peers who are passionate about real change in management and leadership. Learn more about Forward Summit
The first workshops I facilitated with Management 3.0 showed me how powerful it is and how people can understand the messages. I’ve had a lot of positive feedback and now my trainees can apply Management 3.0 in their professional lives and even some of them use it in their personal lives.
A Management 3.0 Facilitator

Find out what companies who use our products are saying about how games and practices such as, Moving Motivators, Delegation Poker and Kudo Cards have helped transform their organizational culture. Read Management 3.0 Success Stories.