This module has been discontinued. We have a new module covering Remote Working, the Remote and Hybrid Collaboration module.
How can we communicate better in remote teams? How can we manage remote teams? How can we make remote teams successful? In this Management 3.0 Module we explore how to better manage remote teams.
What will you learn?
- Did remote teams become popular because of COVD-19 or is there something else happening.
- The benefits and disadvantages of remote teams for people and organizations.
- How do online meetings relate to in-person meetings.
- How to prepare, execute and have successful online meetings.
- Understand the five steps to manage remote teams: clear expectations, online gemba, work out loud, work agreements and meet in-person.
- What is the definition of asynchronous work in the context of remote teams.
- What are the advantages for an organization when applying asynchronous work.
- What is needed to enable asynchronous work.
The moment a team does not share the same coffee machine, you should consider them as a virtual team.
What will we discuss in this module?
- What are the benefits and disadvantages of remote teams?
- How does asynchronous work impact management and leadership?
- What is the impact on managers and leaders when you work with remote teams?

Good to know: Remote Teams belongs to the view How to Grow Structure, just as Scaling Organizational Structure, Hiring Great People and Agile Product Development.