Creativity is imagining. Innovation is doing. There’s no doubt that no matter what the size, your business needs to foster creativity and innovation together to stay competitive and to retain awesome teammates.
What will you learn?
- The shift from knowledge organizations to creative organizations, as also the shift from knowledge workers to creative workers.
- Seven rules for managing creativity: nurture diversity, create markets, rely on merits, no predictions, update the workplace, change constraints, open boundaries
Seven Rules for Creativity Managers
What is a creativity manager? They are the natural leaders in any setting who want to nurture diversity, break boundaries and be the innovators in their industry. Here’s the common formula they all follow, knowingly or not:
1. Nurture diversity
Dislike brains being the same.
3. Rely on merits
Embrace networks and gameplay.
5. Update the workplace
Work the environment.
7. Open boundaries
Connect instead of protect.
2. Create markets
Favor coopetition in networks.
4. Make no predictions
Keep many options open.
6. Change constraints
Optimize for exploration.
- The value of cross-functional teams in a creative organization.
- Why to enable Work Profiles and emphasize project credits.
- How and why to set up internal stock markets of ideas.
- How to deal with an unknown future to encourage creativity.
- The impact of a workspace on creativity and innovation: escape, customization, play, variety and adaption.
- The value of Exploration Days and how to set them up.
- The advantage of transparency, inside and outside, to grow creativity and innovation.
Creative workers replace knowledge workers and managers must learn to nurture creativity
What will we discuss in this module?
- Does every team in your organization need to be creative and innovative, or are there parts where this is not needed?
- Can you grow innovation and creativity by sharing more with the world, or is this a contradiction?
- How does creativity and innovation connect to the Management 3.0 principles?