Why You Need To Take Our New Agility in HR (Agile Talent) Workshop

- Management 3.0

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by Sam and Ralph, Management 3.0 Team

If you’re late to the party, we’ve just launched a fabulous new workshop, one that’s been in the pipelines for quite some time. We are pleased to announce our new Agility in HR (ICP-AHR) Workshop by Management 3.0 (former Agile Talent). This is an ICAgile-accredited course based on our fabulously popular Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop.

So without further explanation, we figured the best way to roll this out was to have our colleague and the one who has spearhead our new project, Ralph van Roosmalen, explain why you should sign up for this course!

Here’s our exclusive interview with Ralph:

What is unique about our new Agility in HR (Agile Talent) Workshop?

What makes this Agility in HR Workshop by Management 3.0 so special is that it’s based on the principles of Management 3.0, a workshop concept proven for many years with more than 25.000 certified attendees worldwide. What makes this workshop so valuable is that attendees learn new tools and approaches. Management 3.0 is well-known for combining theory with pragmatism. When people go back to work, they can immediately apply new tools. 

Why are we doing this now at Management 3.0? Why didn’t we do this years ago?

For years, Management 3.0 workshops have covered many topics that are interesting for HR professionals. HR professionals who attended the Foundation Workshop told us the ideas, tools, and approach of Management 3.0 are very useful for them.

When ICAgile released Agile Talent, nowadays Agility for HR, we realized it would be a great fit. We had to develop new content, and prepare everything to be ready for this new workshop.

When we started Management 3.0 we were also focussing on Agile Product Teams, that was our background. We realized Management 3.0 is not just for Agile Product Teams, but important for the whole organization. With the latest development in HR, the Agile way of working becoming mainstream and the release of the Agility for HR, this is the perfect storm for us.

How does the course reflect current changes taking place in the narrative surrounding management and leadership?

Ten years ago Agile was really an IT thing. It was something done in the basement by developers.

However, organizations have realized that everyone needs to change their way of working. The world is changing faster and faster and getting more complicated and complex every day. Therefore, not just IT needs to be Agile, everyone needs to be Agile.

Everyone who works in this complicated and complex environment. This awareness is growing and therefore we are also happy to see HR is adopting this new way of working.

What do you hope people walk away with after doing this course?

We hope that HR professionals realize how important their role is in adapting to the new way of working in organizations. We hope they realize HR should be in the driver’s seat for any Agile Transformation, lead the organization, connect people and empower the company to adopt a new way of doing things.

What are the core components that will be conveyed during this workshop?

  • The changing role of HR in agile businesses
  • Attracting, hiring and retaining the right people
  • Embracing diversity
  • Keeping people motivated and engaged
  • Moving from an individual performance mindset to a team performance
  • Performance appraisals/ratings
  • Changing roles, job descriptions, titles and ways of working
  • Creating and nurturing an environment of psychological safety 

Why is it important that people take this course?

Perhaps the most important reason is to get together with other HR professionals to discuss common problems and learn from each other.

All the things people learn in workshops can be found in books, let’s be honest about that. However, the experience of getting together and really talking about the common challenges, is what makes attending workshops unique and extremely worthwhile!  

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Register now:  

Photo by Plush Design Studio (Unsplash)

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