Management 3.0 Event by Antony Nizamoglou and Ilija Popjanev

Agile People Leadership Workshop

This is past event!

This event has concluded. You might be interested in these upcoming events by Antony:

Wednesday 2nd of October 2024 - Intro to Management 3.0
Online Workshop Timezone:
Europe / Malta
More info

Agile People Leader  

Start: 20th of March 2024 • 17:00
End: 21st of March 2024 • 21:00
Timezone: Europe / Berlin
Sold Out!

Online Workshop Timezone:
Europe / Berlin

Spoken language:

Materials language: English

Hours Total / Per Day:
8 / 4


Enhance your skills working with people. Become a better leader for those working in your company and provide greater support in the agile culture.

This new 2-day (8 hours) online, Agile People Leadership Workshop is highly recommended if you work on some leadership position, in HR, or you're team lead, SM, PO, AC, PM, supervisor, young manager... looking to adopt Agile mindset and skills to lead organizations in the new VUCA world.

Training agenda

The training will be delivered in 2 days (8 hours), from March 20th & 21st 2024, starting at 17.00 to 21.00 CET. Check your time zone!

Day 1 (March 20th) – Create inspirational culture with strong purpose and meaning, so employees can find their sense of belonging in the company. Lead with emotional intelligence to increase their wellbeing and productivity.

Day 2 (March 21st) – Learn how to hire great people by building strong employer brand and amazing employee experience. Create better system for rewards and incentives to improve results and retention.

Learning outcomes

By attending this course you will learn how to create an organization that is future-ready, an organization that is based on a strong purpose which people can connect to.

You will gain insights on what makes people tick and what difference emotionally intelligent leaders can make in your organization. You will discuss strategies on how to hire great people – and how to retain top talent with future-proof reward systems in place. Key course takeaways:

+ Understand the purpose of your team and organization

+ Learn how to lead with emotional intelligence

+ Improve the employee experience process

+ Cultivate a growth mindset in your team

+ Incentivize your people in transparent way

You can download the course brochure here!

Tools and practices

During the workshop we'll work with range of tools to get you started with your initiative on leading Agile people. They are easy to use, simple, creative, powerful and engaging for your people.

At the end of this workshop, you will be able to gain practical tools and methods to start applying Agile to your work, increasing team productivity by using the power of your people.

The following tools and practices will be covered: Personal maps, Ikigai, Value stories, Emotions wheel, EX in 8 steps, Team Competency Matrix, STAR(T) Questions, Moving motivators, Employer branding principles, 6 rule for rewards, Work Expo, Salary formula, Merit Money and Kudo Cards.

What do you get?

As an attendee of the “Agile People Leader” workshop, you will receive personal badge and certificate from Management 3.0.

You will also receive many topic related tools in printable version and also from the virtual Miro board to practice with your team.

The training is inspired from several bestselling books and for some of them you’ll receive the summaries and many topic related articles.

Training delivery

This highly interactive and engaging workshop will be delivered through Zoom and Miro. We’re working in groups, practicing M3.0 games and tools in highly interactive environment.

You’ll get the links for the platforms just after registration and payment.

You’ll need to provide stabile internet connection, camera, microphone and good will :)

The training will be delivered by Ilija Popjanev and Antony Nizamoglou, experienced enterprise agile coaches and ICAgile instructors for many courses.

You can also watch 5 min feedback video from workshop participants.

Training investment

The training investment includes workshop delivery, certificate and badge, several free to use tools, participants guide, e-books, access to e-learning platform and 24/7 online support and community practice on What's up upon finishing the event.

You can benefit with the Early bird price of 375 euro until March 12th 2024. The regular price is 499 euro.

If your company is paying in your behalf, please write the company name and address in the comment field. If you're paying by yourself, please write your name, surname and living address and I'll send you an invite link for online payment with credit card, pay pal, stripe...

Ask for corporate proposal for inhouse training or for group of more then 8 people!

The organizer may reschedule the event if the number of attendees is less then 4.

Special price for fellow M3.0 Facilitators - 150 euro!!

You can reach us for more info at:; or

WhatsApp: +38970206383 (Ilija) and +35699179325 (Antony)

Looking forward meeting you at this amazing event.

Stay safe, Ilija & Antony

This is past event!
Thank you for the registration. Your registration has been sent to Antony Nizamoglou. Antony will contact you soon to provide more info on payment and other formalities. For further questions regarding this workshop please contact Antony directly

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