Setting Work-Life Boundaries and ‘Intentional Margins’ With Katie Jefcoat

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Here on the podcast, we obviously believe in the concept of Happiness at Work – the power we all have to create more enjoyable work experiences for ourselves and our colleagues. But we also recognize that work isn’t everything. At the end of the day, we all want to clock out, take a deep breath, and enjoy our lives. The world, however, doesn’t make that easy.  

Today we speak with Katie Jefcoat, a happiness curator and kindness crusader who has made it her mission to help people find a true balance between their to-do list and their want-to-do list. We discuss her proven five-step method for defining priorities, establishing boundaries, and intentionally enjoying the most meaningful parts of our lives.  

Learn more about Katie here: 

**What leads to a happy life? What are the various ways to be happy? Happiness means different things to each of us.  After doing extensive research, Management 3.0 founder Jurgen Appelo discovered the common thread: Happiness is something we create. It is not something to achieve. It is a path you choose, not a destination to arrive at.

So many of us spend our lives in pursuit of happiness. Instead of searching for it, we need to find ways to live it, embrace it, and implement it into our daily lives. That’s why we created the 12 Steps to Happiness at Management 3.0. You can find more information and even download a free poster of the 12 steps at

Key Points

  • Nuggets of wisdom from the science of happiness
  • Intentional margins, how to make your to-do list work for you.
  • Generational divides and their impact on happiness at work


*Please note that the transcript has been automatically generated and proofread for mistakes. But remains in spoken English, and some syntax and grammar mistakes might remain.

Elisa Tuijnder: [00:00:00] Here on the podcast, we obviously believe in the concept of happiness at work, the power we all have to create more enjoyable work experiences for ourselves and our colleagues, but we also recognize that work isn’t everything. At the end of the day, we all want to clock out, take a deep breath, and enjoy our lives.

The world, however, doesn’t make that easy. Today, we speak with a happiness curator and kindness crusader who has made it her mission to help people find true balance between their to-do list and their want to-do list, and who has developed a proven method for defining priorities, establishing boundaries, and intentionally enjoying the most meaningful parts of our lives.[00:01:00]

Before we dive in, you are listening to The Happiness At Work podcast by Management 3.0 where we are getting serious about happiness.

I’m your host, Elisa Tuijnder, happiness enthusiast and Management 3.0 team member. In this podcast, we share insights from industry experts, influencers, and thought leaders about what it takes to be happy, motivated, and productive at work, so that loving your job becomes the norm and not the exception. We’ll be publishing every fortnight on Friday, so be sure to tune in and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.

Our guest today is Katie Jefcoat, host of the Everyday Happiness Micro Podcast and a renowned [00:02:00] speaker. A motivator working to help professionals move from hectic to harmonious. Thank you so much for joining us, Katie.

Katie Jefcoat: Thank you for having me. I love your podcast and I’ve been a big fan for a while, so I am just thrilled to be here.

I cannot wait for this conversation.

Elisa Tuijnder: Fantastic. Great. So we’ll get into your work and what it’s like to be a happiness curator in just a moment. But here on the podcast, we always start with the same question. What does happiness mean to you?

Katie Jefcoat: I love this question. So I have been studying happiness for a number of years and I’ve adopted pretty much the same happiness definition as the ancient Greeks all the way up to author Sean Achor, who is a happiness expert and what they say and what I love so much because why are we reinventing the wheel, right?

Is they say that happiness is the joy [00:03:00] we feel while striving for our potential. And I think that’s where the magic is, and we can get into how we define happiness and what that looks like, but really it’s this idea that we get to strive for our potential. And I think that’s where happiness really lives and where all the magic is.

Elisa Tuijnder: Yeah. I just wanna quickly pick in on, cuz you said joy. Do you think there’s a difference between happiness and joy? I think it can

Katie Jefcoat: depend. People go back and forth on this so much, right? Joy can be more of a, not necessarily an emotion, but a state of being. And it maybe it doesn’t have quite the ups and downs of a happiness emotion, but I think happiness is really two prongs.

So it depends on how you’re contrasting happiness and joy. And I feel like joy is like in your soul a little bit deeper for me, but I [00:04:00] think everyone gets to choose what joy looks like for them, and I think that’s what’s so exciting about this type of work.

Elisa Tuijnder: Yeah, absolutely. I think joy sometimes comes across a little bit more like it’s, children have joy, they don’t necessarily have happiness and it feels something more like innate.

So that’s why I wanted to just pick your brain quickly. Hey. So in order to talk about your work that you do right now I think it might help to start with the work you used to, do you actually describe yourself as a recovering trial lawyer? Can you tell us a little bit about your career in law and why you ultimately left it behind?

Katie Jefcoat: Yeah, it feels like it was a big transition and nothing is ever a straight and narrow road, but it started off really straight and narrow. So I grew up in a town of 2006 people in the middle of a cornfield in Minnesota, which is in the north central part of the United States. Not that anybody should know that.

So just think cold and lots of livestock and fields [00:05:00] of grain. I grew up there and I realized when I was about seven years old that I didn’t want to be a small town girl. It wasn’t part of I, you just, I had this like innate intuition, this feeling like this wasn’t for me. And at seven years old, the only two things I could think of to get me out of where I was to be a doctor or a lawyer.

Cause I would have enough money to move to a bigger city and that would be what I would do. But I couldn’t be a doctor because blood makes me gag and I don’t like to touch people. So lawyer was the only thing I knew. I was on a straight and narrow path from when I was seven years old all the way until I was in my twenties of going to school to be a lawyer, getting a dream job in Washington, DC at one of the largest law firms in the world, being a trial lawyer in federal court.

And I did that for a number of years, loved it. And then had children, had these babies. Which rocked my world because I always thought I would be a career woman. And I had one [00:06:00] look at this new baby, my first child and I was like, oh, I am mothering. This is gonna be great. Which totally is not ever what I thought.

So I did that for a while and then I decided never to go back to practicing law. And then in March of 2020, we all remember we were struck with this global pandemic. This thing that we didn’t know what it was. I don’t know if you can remember back then, and I know a lot of us can, and a lot of businesses, right?

Like workplaces were changing, all this stuff was changing, and what I remember at that time was this incredible sense of anxiety because I didn’t have any control over what was happening. So what I did was I doom scrolled social media. I watched all the press conferences that were every day on our local TV station, and I made my kids stay in the house with my husband and we like hunkered down and did [00:07:00] absolutely nothing for weeks at the beginning, not having any idea what was happening in the outside world, but feeling like it was probably a dumpster fire.

So that created a slot of anxiety and a lot of stress and a lot of emotional eating and a lot of things that were not healthy because I felt so out of control. And I did try to over control the things I could, which was lots of board games and movies with the children and all of that, but it wasn’t very healthy.

And couple months into the pandemic, I knew I needed a change. There had to be something better. And so I started researching happiness and how could I find happiness when the world feels like a dumpster fire? And here in the US it was not only the global pandemic, which felt so out of control, but also a lot of political strife.

A lot of politics going on in this time. There [00:08:00] always is, it seems like right now. Yeah, it was turbulent time.Yes. And then you have all these other things like global warming and fires and just so much, and yeah,

Elisa Tuijnder: women’s rights, all of these kinda things were happening.


Katie Jefcoat: And it just, it feels like the world is caving in on you and what do you do?

So I just went back to finding happiness, finding, finding that research. But what I knew because I was a lawyer, was that I needed to prove it to myself. I couldn’t just assume that gratitude would make me happier. I needed the proof. And when I started to go into all of this academic research, start following all of these scientists, when social scientists, when I.

What I started doing was telling all my friends on Zoom chats and we were doing copies and happy hours on Zoom with my girlfriends when we weren’t leaving the house and they were like, you should start a podcast. You should tell other people about what you’re learning. This is really good, but do it really short cuz nobody has time to [00:09:00] listen to this and might be boring.

So I did. So I did two minutes a day, micro podcast, about three minutes probably. It’s very hard to talk about something specific in two minutes, but that’s what we did. And it’s been now over 600 episodes and we have transitioned that to an email newsletter that we do twice a month for just happiness.

Like it’s your happiness email. It’s the bright shining star when like email feels like, I don’t know. To me it just feels like I wanna poke my eyes out. So it’s something that’s fun to look forward to and we’ve just been loving it. It’s just been so much fun. Yeah. So

Elisa Tuijnder: okay. You started researching happiness, you started researching positive psychology.

I’m imagining, did you know that it was gonna be a career? Did you know that it was gonna lead you to something else? From, from being a lawyer to this next thing?

Katie Jefcoat: Yeah. I had no idea. I feel like sometimes, not [00:10:00] to get too ruru, but the universe just drops things in your lap at the time when it’s meant to happen for you.

Since I started the podcast and started really owning what it looks like to show up I now do consulting work for companies in their professional development space, in their employee development, talking about how we, companies are all trying to manage this as well, and this idea of belonging and bringing our whole self to work.

Is a unique concept for Gen Z, which is different from boomers, right? Like how does this work? Yeah. So now I consult with companies and I, have long contracts with companies where we work with employees that are bringing their whole selves to work, whatever that is that’s going on. Maybe they have a conflict with another employee.

Maybe they’re having a conflict at home and they’re still trying to go to work. Maybe we’re trying to identify how [00:11:00] to put in best practices in these companies, and so we just go in and help companies just to have the best culture. Culture isn’t a ping pong table and a Pacman machine, which a lot of my companies have stuff like that.

So much more culture is what the workforce thinks of where they like to work. It’s never about the things you have, it’s always about how the workforce feels. And so we go in and I talk to the workforce about how they feel.

Elisa Tuijnder: Yeah. So I really love that your job description at the moment. So you call yourself a happiness curator and a kindness curator.

It’s a absolutely fun. I absolutely, really. And so I just wanted to ask you, do you do mostly consultancy like you just said, or is there also training involved? What, when you go where you get asked to come into a company what exactly practically do

Katie Jefcoat: you do for them? So it’s mostly just consultant work and this is so funny.

[00:12:00] I don’t know if any of your listeners ever go to networking events and they, and you get asked what do you. And I always get this question right, and I’m always like, I show up with like magic, whatever that is. Like however that needs to happen. Like we’ll figure it out. Like it’s just my personality.

I just show up as me with whatever magic is needed and we just figure it out. And it’s so funny because I don’t have a prescribed list of products or services. In fact, I don’t even talk about the consultant work on my website. I only give away all the free happiness it’s just, yeah, happiness. It’s my email, it’s the blogs, it’s the podcast.

It’s just ways that you can improve your happiness as an individual.

Elisa Tuijnder: Yeah, absolutely. Hey, so I won’t ask for any specifics, but in general, can you tell us a little bit more about, the audiences you speak to or the people you work with, and especially, over the last few years, and I’m [00:13:00] curious to see whether there are any trends or commonly reported challenges and concerns that you’ve seen arise. We had the pandemic, we have the cost of living crisis, et cetera. It’s been a hard time for happiness really. Yeah. And it’s been a hard time for businesses in, in that respect as well. Yeah. Have you seen anything, any trends that you can, like a red thread that you can pull through?

I think

Katie Jefcoat: people want to feel like they belong. And I think belonging is in our D N A and whether you are a Gen Z or a boomer, you want to feel like you belong somewhere. And I think that’s been the biggest trend. So the companies that I tend to work with are like startup tech companies. They tend to have a significant population of their workforce will be like gen Z.

And they’re a unique bunch. I think because I’m probably a Gen X, but just right on the edge of [00:14:00] Millennial Gen X I am. I will be 45 this year. So there’s just so many things that are different about what the kind of work that I do now, because the main parts of my workforce are like the managers who are not Gen Z, not all of them, some are.

And then the workforce, which is a lot of Gen Z, which. How do you bridge that gap?

Elisa Tuijnder: Yeah. They’re just so you, yeah. So you think that’s really important in your work at the moment, like really having that context of those generations?

Katie Jefcoat: I think it’s really shaped the way that we approach the workplace culture.

I just think that there’s no other way to get around it. They just don’t act the same way and so we have to figure out how we’re going to support people where they’re at. ,

Elisa Tuijnder: very practical, like pragmatic, almost .

Katie Jefcoat: Yeah. It almost has to be, it almost has to be, a lot of, like millennials are [00:15:00] very mission-driven mission values and Gen Z is too, they wanna know what the next thing is, but they grew up in a time, or they’re growing up really still in a time where the side hustle isn’t taboo where moonlighting back in the, millennial boomer age was like, you did it on the side and you didn’t tell anybody. Now Gen Zers have a side hustle and it’s no big deal. They talk about it at work. Yeah. So they don’t have this sense of, their employment isn’t so confined. They don’t have the same sense of job the same way.

Elisa Tuijnder: Yeah. They’re actually proud of their side hustles instead . Yeah. It’s very different than the boomers. Yeah. Hey, so you developed a concept called intentional margins to address some of the challenges that come with happiness at work and with these generational divides.

So do you wanna explain to us a little [00:16:00] bit more about, what that really entails, these intentional margin?

Katie Jefcoat: Sure. So intentional margins just really was developed when I was feeling like I just needed clarity, calm a north star. I was I wouldn’t say burned out because that, that implies other things, but just this idea of always hustling.

I don’t know if you’ve ever felt this way, where you have 242 things on your to-do list and you get 238 done. Yeah. And then what happens is you get almost all of them done, but you beat yourself up for the four you didn’t do. And Absolutely, yeah. I was finding that I was getting the dopamine hit when I was checking the box on the to-do list, but I wasn’t doing anything I even cared about.

Yes, I went to the dentist and I paid my taxes, and I, did all of the things but one so many things on our to-do list, especially as women, but I think this is probably for a lot of people. We put everything on our to-do list, but [00:17:00] everything isn’t equal. Some things actually have a higher priority, and so I created this concept, intentional margins, which is finding the harmony between your to-dos and your priorities.

Like what do you live for? What do you want to look back on the week and be like, I got to live in that life, that priority. So it could be anything. Knitting club to social connection, to spending time with a spouse or reading books to your children or going to dinner with a friend or having coffee. It could be whatever it is for you.

What’s your priority? What lights your hair on fire? What fills your cup? Because what I was finding was that so oftentimes our to-dos run into our priorities, and then we never get that. We never have that feeling of being fulfilled. And so I believe we can be busy and be balanced if we’re living in our priorities.

So what does that look like? Maybe it’s a weekly thing or a daily thing, whatever that looks like for you. There’s not a one [00:18:00] size fits all, but it’s just identifying what that is. And then how do we put that on the calendar? What is the actionable steps we take to achieve that? And then are we actually evaluating whether that works or not?

Elisa Tuijnder: What leads to a happy life? What are the various ways to be happy? Happiness means different things to each of us. Yet after doing extensive research management 3.0, founder Jurgen Appelo. Discovered a common thread. Happiness is something we create. It is not something to achieve. It is a path you choose, not a destination to arrive at.

So many of us spend our times in pursuit of happiness, yet instead of searching for it, we need to find ways to live it, embrace it, and implement it into our daily lives. We created the [00:19:00] 12 steps to Happiness at Management 3.0. You can find more information and even download a free poster of the 12 steps at

Hey, so you’ve also developed a five part impact playbook for, creating these intentional margins. So you don’t get to give us all these five parts if you don’t want to, but, if, could you give us maybe an example what kind of strategies can we use to, as you say, jump off the hamster wheel of overwhelm.

Katie Jefcoat: Yeah, so I think this is what. What’s so important, right? So Impact is a very simple acronym and it’s intentional margins. I am right? Impact. And it’s really what’s your North Star? What do you care about? So if I care about my marriage, what does that really look like? If that’s something that I value, what does that look like?

So the P is priority, and [00:20:00] I’ll give you all the steps. You can write it down. I also like on my website, if you look at my podcast, which are all on my website, and you search impact method. You can listen to this again and write it all down. It’s super simple. But what it is, so what is our priority?

What matters? If the marriage is what matters? What’s the A in impact action? What are you, what action am I gonna take to achieve my priority? So it could be coffee at 9:00 AM every morning. It could be date night every Thursday night. It could be one night away every quarter. What is that? So if it’s date night every Thursday night, then that goes on the calendar.

So see, and impact is for calendaring cuz we all know what gets calendar gets done, right? So where am I making time to do the things that matter? Because time is the one thing you don’t get to create more of. So where’s it going on our calendar? And then the T is just [00:21:00] timely valuation. If we look at it after a month or six weeks or a quarter and we’re like, is that really fulfilling my priority?

Is that giving you the connection that I want? Is Thursday date night the thing that’s doing it? Or are we spending all of our time talking about the kids and we’re skipping it most times cause we’re too busy or whatever. So it’s evaluating and pivoting. So maybe it’s coffee for five minutes or 15 minutes every morning and it’s not this get dressed up and go out for date night.

We get to have evaluation, and we get to pivot and we get to have seasons. Like some seasons are busier than other seasons and things change. And that’s what this is all about, is just finding the flow and it should change cause we’re not static.

Elisa Tuijnder: Yeah. And I also hear being very intentional about it,

it has to be intentional.

That’s the only way. Yeah.

Hey, so you’ve mentioned it now, just now as well. You’re a host of a podcast as well called Everyday Happiness. So that’s a daily micro podcast where you [00:22:00] just distill like the signs of happiness into little bite size nuggets. We love the science of happiness on this podcast as well.

So I wondered where you could share some of these nuggets with us today. What findings from happiness science seems to be, the most valuable for you or, what has had the most traction on your podcast? And could you share some of that with us?

Katie Jefcoat: Yeah, absolutely. So I think what’s really fascinating is the, how people define happiness.

So the scientists and I’m sure you know all of this, but in case your listeners wanna refresh, the scientists agree mostly that happiness is really two prongs. It’s the emotional side of happiness. That’s prong one. But then the second prong is purpose and satisfaction. So the emotions are the things that we think about, that we talk about, right?

It’s the joy, contentment, positive wellbeing, combined with the [00:23:00] sense of life is good, meaningful, right? That’s the emotional side of happiness. But where I think all the magic is in the second prong, which is purpose and satisfaction. So purpose is how you feel when you’re doing the thing you love. This can be academic research, your work business building, being involved in the community, being a parent so much, right?

How you feel when you’re doing the thing that you love and satisfaction is wanting what you have more than wanting what you want. So it’s appreciating what you have more than training for what you want, and that is where you have this sense of control. This is where you can start to really make some impact and boost your happiness when you start to think about purpose and satisfaction, because emotions are fleeting.

You can [00:24:00] get a great parking spot when you go to the store and it feels great in the moment, but it just doesn’t last. And that’s just the way it works.

Elisa Tuijnder: Yeah. Yeah. I love. Hey like we know this as well, when you have a podcast you create, a new channel for feedback and input.

So listeners and even colleagues respond to your kind of episodes and sometimes in unexpected kind of ways. So I just wondered whether hosting this everyday happiness micro podcasts has changed your approach at all. And whether it has changed your views on your work life balance? On a personal level actually.

Katie Jefcoat: Yeah. So I think a lot of happiness comes down to habits. I’ve been surprised how impactful the podcast has been for me. Personally, just to create that habit of thinking about happiness every single [00:25:00] day. What does that look like? There’s all the kinds of ways that you can boost happiness through kindness and gratitude and social connection and savoring and all the ways.

And I we can talk about all those things, but the thing that’s really been the thread of enlightenment has been, how much habits are so important to your happiness. Absolutely.

Elisa Tuijnder: Yeah. Yeah. Happiness is definitely, It’s a muscle you have to train, right? Yeah. So I keep like a happiness journal and it really helps me, and I don’t get me wrong, sometimes , I don’t do it for a few weeks and then I forget about it and then I start doing it again.

And, that intentional thing of journaling about it and really practicing the happiness. It’s so important. It’s so important. And the podcast is daily, so you get to practice that every day as well and like really put that back in your mind.

Katie Jefcoat: Yep, absolutely. That’s.

Elisa Tuijnder: Hey, [00:26:00] so at the start of our, conversation, we were talking about you being, a recovering trial lawyer.

You talked about how, did this amazing job. I had all these , I dunno, law and order visions in my head, and then objection, et cetera. But I’m curious, would you say, cuz you say you’re recovering, would you say you are recovered now? And you. How has that changed you personally and has it been a radical change or do you feel like it, it always was part of your personality anyways and is now just shining through a little bit more?

Katie Jefcoat: Yeah, that’s such a great question. Thank you for asking. It’s really interesting because, I still have a very, aggressive kind of personality. I’m like always telling somebody, go buy these shoes. They’re amazing. This is what you should learn about, or this is a great article.

Like I [00:27:00] love sharing and all of that. So it’s just in a slightly different way. But, being a trial lawyer or just, practicing law generally was really a means to an end. And it took some self-reflection to realize that I could leave that identity behind and still have, the core of me.

And I think part of being in the kind of environment and the kind of work that I did before the sparkly, kinder, gentler side of me wasn’t really shining through. And then after having kids taking a step back realizing, look, there’s more to this whole thing we call life. And so I think it’s just been so insightful to see how that changes and what the transition is.

Like how it goes. It’s recovering is such a funny word because, I just started using it because I was like, oh yeah, because so many people [00:28:00] are like what does that even mean? What are you doing? Do you still practice? Are you dabbling in it? And I don’t dabble in practicing law at all but it, it’s a culture shock for sure.

So I bet maybe I’m still recovering a little bit.

Elisa Tuijnder: It’s a working progress then. Yeah. Hey, so on the podcast we are super big fans of tangible practices. We always wanna leave listeners with something that they can start implementing tomorrow or the next day or something that is, that, that feels like a bit more practical.

So we’ve already covered a little bit of the strategies, but I just wanted to ask you whether there are any simple recommendations that you can offer to business leaders, managers, and, employees and peers who want to escape the overwhelm and build a happier life for themselves?

Katie Jefcoat: Oh my gosh, so many. So I think [00:29:00] as. I was gonna say as business leaders, but if we’re being honest, we’re just all humans. Yeah, absolutely. If we’re just all humans and we’re doing this thing we call life, we know that now we’re connected more than ever to our jobs and that we don’t go to work from nine to five and leave life at home and then come home and leave work at work.

We know that doesn’t happen anymore in most of our societies. There’s some jobs that are like that, but generally speaking, so if that’s the case and we are intermingling our lives with our work, I would say that the thing that I’ve learned most recently that has been the most impactful is this idea to lead with love.

So there are lots of people in my life that I, for whatever reason, don’t have the same [00:30:00] values or don’t have the same ideas, whether it’s we have differences on politics or global warming, or covid vaccines or any of those things, right? We all have differences of opinion, and instead of trying to change someone’s opinion, I’m finding it really impactful to take a moment, gather my thoughts, be like, I’m going to lead with love. So whether I know a conversation is coming or something else, like how do I lead with love? And I don’t mean love isn’t like the mushy gushy, that, kind of stuff. But I really just mean like compassion, openness being intent.

Like having intent. What is the intent of this interaction this meeting, like, how can I get the most out of it? How can I really show up as my best self? And I think so many times, especially as business leaders, we’re moving from thing to thing so fast. We’re not giving ourselves time to take a moment and decide how we wanna show [00:31:00] up.

So that is a easy, tangible thing. Take five minutes before every meeting, gather your thoughts and ask yourself, how am I going to show up as my best self? How am I gonna bring the most value? What does this person need from me? A lot of those like one-to-one meetings. If you’re doing one-to-one meetings, like with your, the people you know under you or over you, like all the ways what does this person need from me?

Like giving it some thought before you show up can make the biggest impact and lead with love. Yeah. I think. For anyone, whether you’re a manager, you’re an employee, you’re part of a workforce, you’re part of a, partnership, you’re a parent, all of that works for every kind of human interaction.

And I think it makes a big difference. If you can spread a little bit of kindness, that ripple effect will ripple, whether that’s through your department, through your company, through your friend group, like it works and it’s proven like scientifically. So [00:32:00] if we can do a little bit more of that, you’ll see it.

You’ll see the value.

Elisa Tuijnder: Yeah. I love that you used the word love as well. So like it’s been a bit of a dirty word in the business context, but it feels like there’s like a momentum at the moment that actually people are bringing this word love into a business context. Do you, have you noticed that as well, obviously?

Katie Jefcoat: I have, yeah. I think especially because Gen Z is so into talking about, more about like mental health, so it’s one of the first generations that is really open to talking about mental health. I don’t know that there’s necessarily. More or less of a mental health crisis. I don’t know the data on that.

But I do know that the data that Gen Z is, they have a openness about them. And so I think that love just comes out with that a little bit more. And that’s why like I write a happiness email. It’s just to spread happiness. Just like a little dose of happiness. And [00:33:00] I think it goes a long way.

So I’m a big fan of Leading With Love. Yeah.

Elisa Tuijnder: All for it, same for me. Hey, so Katie like how do people, maybe some of our listeners are now super interested in listening to your your mini podcast or your email that you just mentioned. So where can they, find you, where can they subscribe,

Katie Jefcoat: Sure. So my podcast is everywhere you can listen to podcasts. It’s called Everyday Happiness, Finding Harmony and Bliss. My name is Katie Jeffcoat. My website is, where you can sign up for this email, which is just like lighting my hair on fire. It’s so much fun. We’re starting to do a little bit of a pivot from the data that we get and the podcast and putting more of the good stuff in the email, so that’s really where it’s at right now.

I actually have a blog post that came out in January of [00:34:00] 2023, and it’s called it’s basically like your happiness suit. So it’s a recipe of ideas that you get to decide what works for you to create your happiness, because not everything is the same. So if gratitude is an ingredient in your soup, there’s a number of ways that you can fulfill that ingredient. And that’s all in a blog post you can read and look at, which is much easier than a podcast .

Elisa Tuijnder: Yeah, sometimes it isn’t it? Oh, that sounds fantastic. I really recommend that everybody signs up for this beautiful email to get your daily boost of happiness.

Because we need that. I think, yeah, some of , we all need a little bit of love and we all need a little bit of happiness to start our day, katie, thank you so much for coming on to the podcast, and thank you so much for, enlightening us with what you do and how you spread happiness and your life story.

So thank you so much. And [00:35:00] yeah let’s see where this brings us in the future. We’re all for happiness here.

Katie Jefcoat: Thank you so much for having me. This is so fun. Okay,

Elisa Tuijnder: fantastic. All right.Goodby

You’ve been listening to The Happiness At Work podcast by Management 3.0 where we are getting serious about happiness. Be sure to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts, and if you enjoy our shows, don’t be shy. Write us a review. Share the happiness with your colleagues, family or friends. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn under Management 3.0.[00:36:00]

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