One-on-one meetings should not be used for a status update, rather to uncover problems. CEO of Know Your Company, Claire Lew, talks candidly about what it takes to be a better manager and a more honest, open and communicative leader. She also explains why buying a book about what to do with her life at the age of 13 helped her get to where she is today.
Something that stuck out from what Claire said was that one-on-on meetings should not be used as status updates but rather to uncover problems. Companies are increasingly realizing the power of creating people-centric organizations because it leads to:
- Happiness
- Motivated employees
- Loyalty
What can companies do to put people first?
#1: Have more constructive one-on-one conversations: As Claire said, these catchups should be used to get at the heart of a situation and hold the space for employees to talk about what’s on their minds. Don’t clutter these conversations with to-do lists, but rather have talks about where people are at and future goals as well as challenges and concerns.
#2: Reward people often and randomly: Giving “random praise” is one small way to show people that you care. Send a note of thanks or a job well done when someone’s not expecting it. At Management 3.0 we love sending Kudo Cards.
#3: Show genuine interest: Ask people how they’re doing, outside of anything related to work. If you remember that a colleague’s child was sick or they had a doctor’s appointment, follow up on it. These little things go a long way in making people feel like you care.
#4: Be Empathetic: Everyone has hard times, especially in today’s world. Show empathy if someone’s not feeling well, emotionally or physically, give them time off if needed and don’t make them feel badly for it or make it hard to take the time they need.
#5: Get to know your colleagues: This can be done through playing games that allow you to get better acquainted with your teammates. Games such as Personal Maps or Moving Motivators help you learn more about the people you’re working with, what makes them tick and how they operate. When you know someone well, it allows you to connect and relate better.